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Last active January 5, 2024 05:50
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fedora distro (non-wsl) to create a bootable usb over rufus
it can boot of virtualbox hdd as well which is neat
extra stuff for bluefin (silverblue):
- open Tweaks > General > disable Over-amplification
- Settings > Power > Screen blank > Never
only things i changed:
dnf repo simulatanous downloads
click touchpad tap,
remove alt key menu firefox
ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses to false
browser.quitShortcut.disabled to true
GNOME Keyring (aka seahorse) (via rpm fedora linux | software center)
bind keybd shortcut to pwd
hardware acceleration for firefox (i didn't do it tho), see
disable activities hot corner
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-hot-corners false
needs reboot
(didn't work tho)
use caps lock as esc
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options "['caps:escape']"
dark theme
alt +tab from keyboard (will override previous)
settings > keyboard > view and customize shortcuts > search for Switch Windows > use Alt+Tab (opted for firefox instead)
remove firefox from rpm and install the ones found from flatpack
^ i only true-ed media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled
not too relevant or needed but still
use ctrl+shift+pg up/down to shift tabs left/right
widevine ..
for firefox go to settings and enable Play DRM-controlled content
go to Extension and Themes > Plugins and wait for yellow banner of "... will be installed shortly to disappear"
Meanwhile enable free and non-free fedora rpm repos and ~install vlc and ffmpeg~ install them from flatpack/flathub
if yellow banner has been removed, restart FF and media on twitter and Prime and Netflix should work
TLDR; ffmpeg + enabling Play DRM-controlled content checkbox does the trick
if `systemctl status bluetooth` gives you a running result then bluetooth is working fine
do a restart using `systemctl restart bluetooth` (or `stop` followed by `start`)
and open bluetooth in settings, wait for devices, if they do not appear, go to About in settings and then come back to bluetooth (now you would also see a spinner near at the top right)
installed gnome tweaks and configured capslock -> esc | shift + capslock -> capslock behavior, also new windows to positioned at center
rog key is available to configure
fn+fn key can also be mapped
reduced refresh rate to 59.99hz (not 60, see
enabled night light, dark mode
disable ctrl+shift+u, ctrl+; and ctrl+. behavior:
in fish shell (not, do `export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH` and then `ibus-setup` (so that ibus gui can reference correct python path). Then go to Emoji tab and remove all shortcuts
use `dconf-editor` and remove mapping of `workspace-up` and `workspace-down` to `[]` so that ctrl+alt+up and ctrl+alt+down - to solve chrome issue to not be able to do a fullscreen screensharing
Settings > Power > screen blank > Never
(See readme.txt as well)
Used in VMWare Workstation
Upon installing and opening Bluefin for the first time, a popup opens up asking to install more software, I close it and wait for remaining packages to be installed. I get a notification that flatpak pkgs have been installed and see Firefox in the dock.
I do a restart
Now I run `just update`. This can fail if you don’t have enough battery or CPU. (It’ll tell you to check the logs.) Otherwise wait for like 10 mins to let it update stuff. It doesn’t show any progress bar at the moment.
Then I restart. Then I run `just devmode`. Restart again once it is done.
Then I run `just nix-devbox`. It install nix but puts devbox in bg. Run `fg` and then hit enter (to default to Y) and install devbox. Reboot once more.
Install fish using `rpm-ostree install fish` (Update: you actually don’t need it as fish comes preinstalled). Change to fish using `sudo lchsh $USER`. Logout and log back in.
Run `devbox global add helix ripgrep ugrep fzf ghq` .
You need to install using Fisher
After that you can restart. And then import all the configs (fish, hx, git, etc.)
windows fonts:
run `fc-match arial`
Install windows fonts using
run `fc-match arial` command again
cd /usr/share/fonts/some-nice-fonts
sudo rm -rf Helvetica*
fc-match helvetica # should show nimbus sans or something
Now /etc/fonts/conf.d contains all system fonts but they are symlinked. Let's edit nimbus sans:
sudoedit /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/61-urw-nimbus-sans.conf
remove all XMLs of helvetica and save
Turns out gnome-extensions can talk to upon clicking install, it worked for me while installing
Also, ref this for quick-reload and make the extension appear w/o logging off
Install [Gnome extensions app](
sudo dnf install gnome-extensions-app
^ this is different to gnome-extensions cli program
Select the right shell (check in About of Settings) and download Then install using:
gnome-extensions install ~/Downloads/
`gnome-extensions list` won't list it, you need to restart OS (logging out and then logging back in should work too). After which you can open "Extensions" app, enable Burn My Windows and configure.
rofi -combi-modi window,drun -show combi -modi combi -font 'input 13'
to alt+space
moved existing alt+space shortcut to ctrl+alt+space
Changed "Alternate Characters Key" (also in Settings > Keyboard) to Right super so alt can be freed.
with settings > keyboard shortcuts > navigation, i mapped super+num and super+shift+num to switch to and move window to a workspace. I find it easier to perform than ctrl+alt+left/right arrow
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