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Forked from valer-cara/
Created September 1, 2022 18:13
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Kafka on kubernetes: portforward & dnat to all brokers for remote access
# This is a bit hardcoded, but it's meant as a proof of concept.
# used in kubectl get pods when targeting kafka broker pods
KARGS="-n kafka -l release=kafka,app=kafka"
# used in kubectl port-forward (setting the namespace, can be omitted)
KPORTFWD_ARGS="-n kafka"
# port on broker pods to forward
TMPRULES=$(mktemp iptablesdnat.XXXXXXX)
function finish {
echo -n "Closing all port forwards.. "
kill 0
echo "Bye!"
trap finish EXIT
function setupDNAT {
cat $TMPRULES | xargs -L1 iptables -A OUTPUT
function teardownDNAT {
cat $TMPRULES | xargs -L1 iptables -D OUTPUT
function getPods {
kubectl get pods $KARGS -o go-template --template="{{range .items}}{{}}:{{.status.podIP}} {{end}}"
function init {
for line in $(getPods); do
IFS=: read POD IP <<<$line
PORT=$((9092 + $N))
let "N++"
(while true; do
kubectl port-forward $KPORTFWD_ARGS $POD $PORT:$DPORT
echo "Restarting portfwd to $POD..."
sleep 1
done) &
echo "-t nat -p tcp -d $IP --dport $DPORT -j DNAT --to-destination$PORT" >> $TMPRULES
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