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Last active October 18, 2017 09:02
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(Trying) to Configure a project to just be a deployment guide with Zuul v3

This is now overtaken by events and is being retained for interest and understanding how things work with Zuul v3.


The charms deployment guide for OpenStack is an 'odd' OpenStack project, in that it contains only a deployment guide; no documents, or other code.

I've been trying to configure Zuul v3 to build/deploy the guide, but I'm basically running into playbook errors. Many of my problems probably stem from not really understanding Zuul, or the underlying Ansible system.

This is an attempt to work through the issues, and get the project working.

Useful links:

Current Situation

Zuul fails with: build-openstack-deploy-guide build-openstack-deploy-guide : ERROR Unable to find playbook /var/lib/zuul/builds/d07a54fa8b32454eaa13f6993c3dd8cf/trusted/project_2/

Current configuration for the project

The current configuration is a mix of v2 and v3. The v2 definitely didn't work, and neither does the v3.

Zuul v3 configuration

I think this is the Zuul v3 configuration:

  • project-config:zuul.d/projects.yaml line 4106
- project:
    name: openstack/charm-deployment-guide
      - system-required
      - deploy-guide-jobs
  • openstack-zuul-jobs:playbooks/deploy-guide/post.yaml:
- hosts: all
    - role: fetch-tox-output
    - role: fetch-sphinx-output
      sphinx_output_src: "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/deploy-guide/build/html"
  • openstack-zuul-jobs:zuul.d/project-templates.yaml
- project-template:
    name: deploy-guide-jobs
        - build-openstack-deploy-guide
        - build-openstack-deploy-guide
        - publish-deploy-guide
  • openstack-zuul-jobs:zuul.d/jobs.yaml
- job:
    name: build-openstack-deploy-guide
    parent: openstack-tox
    description: |
      Build deploy-guide document.
    success-url: html/
    post-run: playbooks/build-deploy-guide/post
    timeout: 1800
      tox_envlist: deploy-guide
      - ^tox.ini$
      - ^deploy-guide/.*
      - bindep.txt
      - other-requirements.txt

This is Legacy/outdated zuul v2 configuration

In project-config:zuul/layout.yaml line 6151:

  - name: openstack/charm-deployment-guide
      - name: merge-check
      - name: openstack-unified-publish-jobs
      - gate-charm-deployment-guide-docs-ubuntu-xenial
      - gate-charm-deployment-guide-docs-ubuntu-xenial

This is frozen and shouldn't be touched. I'm guessing it will be cleaned up at some point.

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