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Last active April 11, 2023 12:58
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Hacking around on VisiData auto-run commands

VisiData Auto-Run Commands

I've mucked around with the idea of auto-running commands when a sheet opens before. I don't remember which walls I hit, but saulpw/visidata#1681 got me curious to try the idea of a post-load hook in .visidatarc again.

The contents of could be dropped directly into a .visidatarc or kept in its own file and imported from .visidatarc.

This is just a sample of course, but seems to work for some common cases at least. If I try to bulk load a bunch of sheets and reload all of them simultaneously I do get this traceback which suggests I need to do something smarter:

 Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                        ║
   File "/home/aj/.local/pipx/venvs/visidata/lib/python3.11/site-packages/visidata/", line 209, in execCommand ║
     vd.cmdlog.afterExecSheet(vd.activeSheet, escaped, err)                                                                ║
   File "/home/aj/.local/pipx/venvs/visidata/lib/python3.11/site-packages/visidata/", line 71, in afterExecSheet  ║
     cmdlog.afterExecSheet.__wrapped__(cmdlog, sheet, escaped, err)                                                        ║
   File "/home/aj/.local/pipx/venvs/visidata/lib/python3.11/site-packages/visidata/", line 217, in afterExecSheet ║
     if not sheet.cmdlog.rows or vd.isLoggableCommand(vd.activeCommand.longname):                                          ║
                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                            ║
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'longname'

But hey, omelettes and eggs and all that...

import time
from functools import wraps
from visidata import asyncthread, vd, BaseSheet, UNLOADED
from visidata.features.unfurl import unfurl_col
from visidata.loaders.parquet import ParquetSheet
from visidata.pyobj import expand_cols_deep
def post_load(sheet):
"""Run some commands anytime a sheet loads
Also maybe run some commands that are sheet-specific.
This _could_ be fancier and probably smarter, but seems to
work for the moment as-is.
If it looks like the sheet is in UNLOADED status, try hooking
post_load hooks up to sheet.reload instead.
if sheet.rows is UNLOADED:
setup_post_load_hook(sheet, "reload")
if isinstance(sheet, ParquetSheet):
vd.status("Do something parquet-specific")
if == 'c7n_cache':
# Adapted from
# to unpickle/expand Cloud Custodian cache data on open
import pickle
key_col = sheet.colsByName['key']
value_col = sheet.colsByName['value']
vd.addGlobals({'pickle': pickle})
key_col.setValuesFromExpr(sheet.rows, 'pickle.loads(key)')
expand_cols_deep(sheet, [key_col], depth=1)
value_col.setValuesFromExpr(sheet.rows, 'pickle.loads(value)')
new_sheet = unfurl_col(sheet, value_col)
value_col = new_sheet.colsByName['value_value'] = 'value'
expand_cols_deep(new_sheet, [value_col], depth=1)
def setup_post_load_hook(obj, func):
Set up a hook to run commands when a sheet finishes loading (ish).
Plan A: Sheet is loading as soon as it's pushed. Wait until it looks
like the load finished, and kick off some auto-commands.
Plan B: Sheet hangs in UNLOADED status for a while. Figure that out
f = getattr(obj, func)
def post_load_hook(*args, **kwargs):
sheet = obj if isinstance(obj, BaseSheet) else args[0]
while { for t in sheet.currentThreads} - {"post_load_hook"}:
vd.status("waiting to execute post_load hook")
vd.status("running post_load hook")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
f(*args, **kwargs)
post_load_hook(*args, **kwargs)
setattr(obj, func, wrapper)
vd.status(f"{obj.__class__.__name__}.{func}() wrapped to setup post-load hooks")
setup_post_load_hook(vd, "push")
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