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Last active February 15, 2023 19:48
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Summarize Lambda TCP Timeouts with Flow Logs

Summarize Lambda TCP Timeouts with Flow Logs

Some sample code to query VPC flow logs via CloudWatch Logs, and show some information about timed out TCP requests by destination.

Some assumptions:

  • We're focused on a specific VPC-attached Lambda function
  • VPC flow logs are enabled and pointing to a /aws/vpc-flow-log/<vpc id> log group
  • Probably other stuff I'm forgetting to call out
import socket
import ssl
from itertools import chain
import boto3
import click
import dateutil.parser
import polars as pl
from cryptography import x509
def get_function_enis(function):
"""Find all ENIs related to a VPC-attached Lambda function
VPC-attached Lambda functions use an ENI for each combination of security groups and attached
subnet. These ENIs can be shared across multiple functions, so we'll look across all of our
function's subnets for Lambda VPC ENIs that exactly match our target function's set of security
lambda_client = boto3.client("lambda")
ec2_client = boto3.client("ec2")
func_config = lambda_client.get_function_configuration(FunctionName=function)
paginator = ec2_client.get_paginator("describe_network_interfaces")
enis = chain.from_iterable(
for page in paginator.paginate(
{"Name": "description", "Values": ["AWS Lambda VPC ENI*"]},
"Name": "subnet-id",
"Values": func_config["VpcConfig"]["SubnetIds"],
{"Name": "group-id", "Values": [group_id]}
for group_id in func_config["VpcConfig"]["SecurityGroupIds"]
return list(enis)
def get_flow_logs(enis, start_dttm, end_dttm):
logs_client = boto3.client("logs")
flow_log_group = logs_client.describe_log_groups(
# Build an insights query focused on TCP traffic (protocol ID 6)
# to/from our target ENIs during our target timespan
query = f"""
filter interfaceId in [{', '.join(f"'{eni['NetworkInterfaceId']}'" for eni in enis)}]
and protocol = 6
| fields @timestamp, srcAddr, dstAddr, srcPort, dstPort, action, logStatus, start, end, protocol, packets, @logStream, @log
| sort @timestamp desc
response = logs_client.start_query(
results = {"status": "Running"}
while results["status"] == "Running":
results = logs_client.get_query_results(queryId=response["queryId"])
return results
def get_unpaired_requests(results):
"""Summarize flow log TCP requests with no response
For TCP traffic we expect to see request/response pairs in flow logs. Each request
to a destination port (like 443 for HTTPS) will also have an arbitrary high-numbered
source port. Consider a request that goes: -->
We would expect to see a response that goes: -->
And if we _don't_, it means something is either getting lost or the response
comes outside of the log window we've captured.
We can join our query result set to itself and only show rows where we see
no response matching a request (an anti-join). Then count those no-responses
by destination address/port to look for repeat offenders.
# Munge query results into a Polars DataFrame
df = pl.DataFrame(
[{col["field"]: col["value"] for col in row} for row in results["results"]]
# Anti-join the dataframe to itself to find requests
# with no matching response
no_response = (
left_on=["srcAddr", "srcPort"],
right_on=["dstAddr", "dstPort"],
.groupby(["dstPort", "dstAddr"])
# Add some context to our no_response destinations if
# possible
return no_response.with_columns(
pl.struct(["dstAddr", "dstPort"])
.apply(lambda x: get_cert_subject(x["dstAddr"], x["dstPort"]))
def get_cert_subject(addr, port):
"""Find the TLS certificate subject for a destination
This is _usually_ only useful for HTTPS requests but
worth a shot. Best-effort attempt with no real error
cert = ssl.get_server_certificate((addr, port), timeout=2)
subject = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(cert.encode("utf8")).subject
except Exception:
return '-'
return subject.rfc4514_string()
def reverse_lookup(addr):
"""Try to find a hostname for a destination address
If we can get some information from a reverse DNS
lookup, that's usually more helpful than just the
IP address. Best-effort attempt with no real error
response = socket.gethostbyaddr(addr)
return ",".join([response[0], *response[1]])
except Exception:
return '-'
@click.option("-f", "--function", help="A Lambda function name")
help="A start time in any format that dateutil supports (",
"-e", "--end-time", help="An end time in any format that dateutil supports"
def summarize_tcp_timeouts(function, start_time, end_time):
start_dttm = dateutil.parser.parse(start_time)
end_dttm = dateutil.parser.parse(end_time)
func_enis = get_function_enis(function)
flow_logs = get_flow_logs(func_enis, start_dttm, end_dttm)
no_response = get_unpaired_requests(flow_logs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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