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Last active April 26, 2020 22:42
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools
from datetime import datetime
# Solves Project Euler #61,
# View a writeup at
startTime = # See how long this takes
# Triangle: n(n+1)/2
# Square: n^2
# Pentagonal: n(3n−1)/2
# Hexagonal: n(2n−1)
# Heptagonal: n(5n−3)/2
# Octagonal: n(3n−2)
# Find shape numbers such that 999 < number < 10000 (i.e. four digit numbers).
# Using algebra we can calculate the ranges as:
# Triangle: 45 to 140
# Square: 32 to 99
# Pentagonal: 26 to 81
# Hexagonal: 23 to 70
# Heptagonal: 21 to 63
# Octagonal: 19 to 58
triangle = []
square = []
pentagonal = []
hexagonal = []
heptagonal = []
octagonal = []
shapes = [triangle, square, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal, octagonal]
def is_cyclical(n, m):
# n and m are type Int
# Returns Bool. True if n and m are cyclical,
# i.e. the last two digits of n are the first two digits of m.
if type(n) != int:
return "n must be an integer, not type " + str(type(n))
if type(m) != int:
return "m must be an integer"
if (n%100 == int(m/100)):
return True
return False
def find_cyclicals(haystack, needle):
# haystack is type Array to search in
# needle is type Int to compare to
# Find cyclical numbers in haystack compared to needle.
# Returns List.
if type(haystack) != list:
return "haystack must be a list"
if type(needle) != int:
return "needle must be an int"
cyclicals = []
for item in haystack:
if is_cyclical(needle, item):
return cyclicals
def process_cyclicals(array, length):
# array is type Array of cyclical_groups
# index is type Integer of the length desired
# This function takes the array and then processes the cyclicals returned
# from find_cyclicals. Then it makes sure that dead-ends are removed by
# removing those whose length is insufficient (i.e. those who have no)
# cyclical number found.
# Returns type List.
for item in array:
for number in find_cyclicals(shapes[perm_list[length-1]], item[length-2]):
array = [x for x in array if len(x) == length]
if length == 6:
for possibility in array:
if len(possibility) == 6:
return array
# Calculate triangles, squares, etc.
for n in range(45, 140+1):
i = n*(n + 1)/2
for n in range(32, 99+1):
i = n**2
for n in range(26, 81+1):
i = n*(3*n - 1)/2
for n in range(23, 70+1):
i = n*(2*n - 1)
for n in range(21, 63+1):
i = n*(5*n - 3)/2
for n in range(19, 58+1):
i = n*(3*n - 2)
# Let's try to construct the cyclical numbers, such that we get a sequence of
# six four-digit numbers that each uniquely belong to one of the six
# shape-classes established above. The final list should follow the pattern
# [aabb, bbcc, ccdd, ddee, eeff, ffaa].
possibilities = [] # Where we'll hold our six-number cycles
# To make sure that we generate the list in all permutations,
# since the numbers aren't necessarily in order. For instance, they could be
# ordered (5, 2, 4, 3, 1, 0)!
permutations = list(itertools.permutations(range(0, 5+1)))
for perm_list in permutations:
cyclical_groups = [] # Here we "hydrate" our first list...
# We take our root to which we compare other numbers
root = shapes[perm_list[0]]
for item in root:
# Iterate over potential cyclical numbers
for number in find_cyclicals(shapes[perm_list[1]], item):
cyclical_groups.append([item, number])
# Append them so we get a list like [xxyy, yyzz]
for n in range(3,6+1):
# Now we can go through the other numbers.
cyclical_groups = process_cyclicals(cyclical_groups, n)
# Once we get six length lists, they're moved to List possibilites
# Then we start over with the next permutation! The list is reset,
# "rehydrated" then processed.
# Now, to find the six-set list. Recall that the first and last numbers of the
# list must follow pattern [xxyy, yyzz, ... aaxx]. We'll get six lists, each of
# which match the criteria set out in Project Euler #61. All the numbers in all
# six lists will be equal, just arranged as [[a,b,c,d,e,f], [b,c,d,e,f,a], ...].
possibilities = [x for x in possibilities if is_cyclical(x[-1], x[0])]
print possibilities[0] # Just print the first one, though it doesn't matter
# which we pick.
print sum(possibilities[0]) # Sum them up!
print - startTime
# Takes about 3.7 seconds on a 1.3GHz MacBook Air
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