Note, all commands represent the bare minimum need to do the conversion. Optimisations are generally not indicated, unless they are really needed. Also, you'll need to install the necessary tools, since many are are unlikely to be installed by default. This list is by no means definitive and is more something I put together as a reference for myself.
Using pdftotext: pdftotext -layout input.pdf output.txt
Using antiword: antiword -f file.doc > file.txt
Using ImageMagick: convert infile.webp outfile.png
Using ImageMagick: convert infile.webp outfile.gif
Using FFmpeg: ffmpeg -i infile.gif outfile.mp4
Using ImageMagick & FFmpeg: convert infile.webp temporary.gif; ffmpeg -i temporary.gif outfile.mp4
Using ImageMagick: convert -delay 20 -loop 0 *.jpg myimage.gif
Using Inkscape: inkscape infile.svg -e outfile.png