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Created March 16, 2024 00:58
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<q-card class="markdown-edit" outlined>
<q-toolbar dense>
<q-tabs v-model="mode" align="left" dense >
<q-tab name="edit" :label="$t('label.write')"/>
<q-tab name="preview" :label="$t('label.textPreview')"/>
<q-space />
<q-toolbar v-if="mode === 'edit'">
<q-space />
<q-btn v-for="button in buttons" :key="button.icon" flat round dense @click="onButton(button.action as string)">
<q-icon :name="button.icon" />
<q-space />
<div v-if="maxChars && mode === 'edit'" :class="{ charover: content.length > maxChars }" class="charcount q-pa-sm">{{ content.length }} / {{ maxChars }}</div>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue';
import 'cherry-markdown/dist/cherry-markdown.css';
import Cherry from 'cherry-markdown';
export default defineComponent({
props: {
value: {
type: String,
default: undefined
maxChars: {
type: Number,
default: undefined
setup (this: void, props: Record<string, any>) {
return {
editorId: 'mdEditor',
editor: ref<Cherry | undefined>(),
content: ref<string>(props.value),
previewMode: false,
language: 'en-US',
mode: ref<string>('edit'),
buttons: [{
icon: 'format_heading'
}, {
icon: 'format_bold',
action: 'bold'
}, {
icon: 'format_italic',
action: 'italic'
}, {
icon: 'strikethrough_s',
action: 'strikethrough'
}, {
icon: 'link',
action: 'link'
}, {
icon: 'code',
action: 'code'
}, {
icon: 'format_list_bulleted',
action: 'ul'
}, {
icon: 'format_list_numbered',
action: 'ol'
watch: {
value (newValue: string | undefined) {
this.content = (newValue || '');
if (this.maxChars) {
this.content = this.content.substring(0, this.maxChars);
if (this.editor) {
if (this.content !== this.editor.getValue()) {
this.editor?.setValue(this.content, true);
mode () {
if (this.mode === 'edit') {
this.editor?.switchModel('editOnly', false);
} else {
this.editor?.switchModel('previewOnly', false);
async mounted () {
await this.$nextTick();
const editorElem = this.$refs[this.editorId] as HTMLElement;
if (editorElem) {
this.editor = new Cherry({
el: editorElem,
value: this.content,
locale: 'en_US',
editor: {
defaultModel: 'editOnly',
height: '200px'
toolbars: {
theme: 'light',
showToolbar: false,
toolbar: [
insert: [
bubble: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'sub', 'sup', 'quote']
if (this.editor?.options?.callback) {
this.editor.options.callback.afterChange = this.onChange.bind(this);
methods: {
onChange (text: string) {
this.content = text;
this.$emit('update:value', this.content);
onButton (action: string) {
const editor = this.editor; // this.$refs.mdEditor as any;
if (editor?.toolbar?.toolbarHandlers) {
const toolbarHandlers = editor.toolbar.toolbarHandlers;
const handler = toolbarHandlers[action];
if (handler) {
} else if (action === 'ol' && toolbarHandlers.list) {
} else if (action === 'ul' && toolbarHandlers.list) {
} else if (action === 'link' && toolbarHandlers.insert) {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.charcount {
justify-content: right;
&.charover {
color: red;
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