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Last active June 4, 2019 20:42
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Test round-trip conversion of UCO ontology file
# This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards
# and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course
# of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the
# United States Code this software is not subject to copyright
# protection and is in the public domain. NIST assumes no
# responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes
# no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality,
# reliability, or any other characteristic.
# We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
# This script is provided for discussion purposes, and is expected to be
# revised (especially to change Git references).
# It tests a round-trip conversion between Turtle and RDF-XML, using
# rdf-toolkit. The file that it tests is the UCO core.ttl file.
# This script is also intentionally noisy (e.g. 'set -x').
# Execution attempts to be idempotent w.r.t. the network.
# - If run in a directory where the 'UCO' subdirectory exists, a Git
# clone will not run.
# - If the 'rdf-toolkit.jar' file exists in that UCO directory, it will
# not be downloaded.
# Feedback is welcome.
# Usage:
# ./
# Output:
# Execution/debug information dumped to stderr.
# Exit status will be 0 on a successful test run.
set -x
set -e
set -u
# Guarantee UCO repository cloned.
if [ ! -d UCO ]; then
git clone \
# Descend into UCO directory to run test.
pushd UCO/uco-core
# Report Git branch (or commit) being inspected.
git log -n1
# Guarantee rdf-toolkit.jar exists.
# Retrieval instructions c/o:
if [ ! -r rdf-toolkit.jar ]; then
# Report version of rdf-toolkit.jar.
java -jar rdf-toolkit.jar \
# 'Normalize' core.ttl to default output of rdf-toolkit.
java -jar rdf-toolkit.jar \
--infer-base-iri \
--inline-blank-nodes \
--source core.ttl \
--source-format turtle \
--target core-normalized.ttl \
--target-format turtle
# Translate 'normalized' Turtle to RDF-XML.
java -jar rdf-toolkit.jar \
--infer-base-iri \
--inline-blank-nodes \
--source core-normalized.ttl \
--source-format turtle \
--target core-normalized.rdf \
--target-format rdf-xml \
# Translate RDF-XML back to 'normalized' Turtle.
java -jar rdf-toolkit.jar \
--infer-base-iri \
--inline-blank-nodes \
--source core-normalized.rdf \
--source-format rdf-xml \
--target core-returned.ttl \
--target-format turtle
# Use 'diff' to report any changes introduced in conversion.
# Recall that 'diff' exits non-0 if any differences found.
# Ideally, this command emits nothing and exits 0.
diff \
core-normalized.ttl \
popd #UCO/uco-core
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