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Created December 10, 2021 07:12
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ZipArrays - Applicative and Monadic zipping for PureScript Arrays
module Data.Array.ZipArray where
import Prelude
import Control.Alt (class Alt)
import Control.Alternative (class Alternative)
import Control.Lazy (class Lazy)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (class MonadRec)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Array.NonEmpty (NonEmptyArray)
import Data.Array.NonEmpty as NEA
import Data.Array.NonEmpty.Internal (NonEmptyArray(..))
import Data.Array.NonEmpty.Internal (NonEmptyArray) as Internal
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap)
import Data.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, (:|))
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable (class Foldable1)
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable as F
import Data.Traversable (class Traversable)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Unfoldable (class Unfoldable)
import Data.Unfoldable1 (class Unfoldable1, unfoldr1)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Prim.TypeError (class Warn, Text)
import Safe.Coerce (coerce)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
newtype ZipArray a = ZipArray (NonEmptyArray a)
instance showZipArray :: Show a => Show (ZipArray a) where
show (ZipArray xs) = "(ZipArray " <> show xs <> " ...)"
derive instance newtypeZipArray :: Newtype (ZipArray a) _
derive newtype instance eqZipArray :: Eq a => Eq (ZipArray a)
derive newtype instance ordZipArray :: Ord a => Ord (ZipArray a)
derive newtype instance semigroupZipArray :: Semigroup (ZipArray a)
-- derive newtype instance monoidZipArray :: Monoid (ZipArray a)
derive newtype instance foldableZipArray :: Foldable ZipArray
derive newtype instance traversableZipArray :: Traversable ZipArray
derive newtype instance functorZipArray :: Functor ZipArray
instance Apply ZipArray where
apply (ZipArray fs) (ZipArray xs) =
ZipArray (NEA.zipWith ($) (pad len fs) (pad len xs))
len = max (NEA.length fs) (NEA.length xs)
instance Applicative ZipArray where
pure a = ZipArray (NEA.singleton a)
instance Alt ZipArray where
alt (ZipArray xs) (ZipArray ys) = ZipArray $ case NEA.fromArray (NEA.drop (NEA.length xs) ys) of
Nothing -> xs
Just ys' -> xs <> ys'
cons :: forall a. a -> Array a -> ZipArray a
cons x xs = ZipArray (NEA.cons' x xs)
snoc :: forall a. Array a -> a -> ZipArray a
snoc xs x = ZipArray (NEA.snoc' xs x)
fromNonEmpty :: forall a. NEA.NonEmptyArray a -> ZipArray a
fromNonEmpty = ZipArray
fromArray :: forall a. Array a -> Maybe (ZipArray a)
fromArray = map ZipArray <<< NEA.fromArray
index :: forall a. Int -> ZipArray a -> a
index idx (ZipArray xs) =
fromMaybe (NEA.last xs) (xs NEA.!! idx)
dropZipArray :: forall a. Int -> ZipArray a -> Array a
dropZipArray idx (ZipArray xs) = NEA.drop idx xs
joinZipArray :: forall a. ZipArray (ZipArray a) -> ZipArray a
joinZipArray (ZipArray ys) =
ZipArray $ NEA.cons' (NEA.head firstRow) (go 1 (NEA.tail firstRow) (NEA.tail ys))
firstRow = unwrap $ NEA.head ys
go :: Int -> Array a -> Array (ZipArray a) -> Array a
go idx rem xs = case A.uncons xs of
Nothing -> rem
Just x -> A.cons
(index idx x.head)
(go (idx+1) (dropZipArray idx x.head) x.tail)
instance Bind ZipArray where
bind m f = joinZipArray (map f m)
instance Monad ZipArray
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