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Last active June 6, 2020 19:37
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module Main where
import Prelude
import Concur.Core (Widget)
import Concur.React (HTML)
import Concur.React.Props (ReactProps, height, stroke, strokeWidth, unsafeMkProp, viewBox, width)
import Concur.React.Run (runWidgetInDom)
import Concur.React.SVG (line, svg)
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Control.MultiAlternative (orr)
import Data.Array (reverse, (:))
import Data.Foldable (foldl)
import Data.Time.Duration (Milliseconds(..))
import Data.Tuple (snd)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\), type (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (delay)
import Effect.Aff.Class (liftAff)
main :: Effect Unit
main = runWidgetInDom "main" do
[ width "500"
, height "500"
, viewBox "0 0 500 500"
] [growingDragonCurve newModel]
-- Draw one section, wait, recurse to draw the next sections, uptil 10 iterations
growingDragonCurve :: forall a. Model -> Widget HTML a
growingDragonCurve model
| model.iteration > 10 = renderLines model
| otherwise = do
renderLines model <|> do
liftAff (delay $ Milliseconds 1000.0)
growingDragonCurve (step model)
type Coord = Int /\ Int
-- Render the lines for a section of the dragon curve
renderLines :: forall a. Model -> Widget HTML a
renderLines = orr <<< snd <<< foldl renderLine ((120 /\ 120) /\ []) <<< _.dirs
:: forall a
. Coord /\ Array (Widget HTML a)
-> Dir
-> Coord /\ Array (Widget HTML a)
renderLine (coord /\ lines) dir = newCoord /\ newLine : lines
newCoord = move coord dir
newLine = makeLine coord newCoord
stepSize = 10
move (x /\ y) = case _ of
Up -> x /\ (y - stepSize)
Down -> x /\ (y + stepSize)
Left -> (x - stepSize) /\ y
Right -> (x + stepSize) /\ y
makeLine (xa /\ ya) (xb /\ yb) = line
[ x1 xa
, x2 xb
, y1 ya
, y2 yb
, strokeWidth 2
, stroke "#000000"
] []
-- MODEL --
data Dir = Up | Down | Left | Right
type Model =
{ dirs :: Array Dir
, iteration :: Int
newModel :: Model
newModel = { dirs: [], iteration: 0 }
step :: Model -> Model
step model = model
{ dirs = unfold model.dirs
, iteration = model.iteration + 1
unfold = case _ of
[] -> [ Down ]
dirs -> dirs <> (rotate <$> reverse dirs)
rotate = case _ of
Right -> Up
Up -> Left
Left -> Down
Down -> Right
x1 :: forall a. Int -> ReactProps a
x1 = unsafeMkProp "x1" <<< show
x2 :: forall a. Int -> ReactProps a
x2 = unsafeMkProp "x2" <<< show
y1 :: forall a. Int -> ReactProps a
y1 = unsafeMkProp "y1" <<< show
y2 :: forall a. Int -> ReactProps a
y2 = unsafeMkProp "y2" <<< show
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ajnsit commented Jun 6, 2020

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