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Created May 19, 2022 03:59
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Pymongo Refresher
# start the mongodb with the CLI command "mongod"
# you may get an error that the data path folder doesn't exist
# use mongod --dbpath /usr/local/mongodb-data to set the new directory for your data. dir must exist before command can be run
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
db = client['test-database']
# create a collection called posts
posts = db.posts # or use posts = db['posts']
# a record in your collection starts as a python dictionary
post = {"author": "Mike",
"text": "My first blog post!",
"tags": ["mongodb", "python", "pymongo"],
"date": datetime.datetime.utcnow()}
# insert your post into the posts collection
# now that you've added this record, the collection and record are created and you can check the collection in your db
# grab a random record with
# get get one by attribute
posts.find_one({'author': 'Mike'})
# insert more than one record
new_posts = [{"author": "Mike",
"text": "Another post!",
"tags": ["bulk", "insert"],
"date": datetime.datetime(2009, 11, 12, 11, 14)},
{"author": "Eliot",
"title": "MongoDB is fun",
"text": "and pretty easy too!",
"date": datetime.datetime(2009, 11, 10, 10, 45)}]
# get all the records
for post in posts.find(): # .find() will return a cursor object which can be iterated thru
# find many by attribute
for post in posts.find({"author": "Mike"}):
# count numbers of records in your collection
# count by attribute
posts.count_documents({"author": "Mike"})
# you can create your own unique index
# mongodb will not insert another record with the same User_id as another record
db.profiles.create_index([('user_id', pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True)
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