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Last active June 29, 2023 01:31
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Quick-and-dirty PowerShell script to install Sysmon (SwiftOnSecurity config), SilkService and Winlogbeat, and forward logs to HELK based on IP set in environment variable "HELK_IP" (see Line 224).
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
if (!(Test-Path "C:\Tools")) {
New-Item -Path "C:\" -Name "Tools" -ItemType "directory"
# Download Sysmon
$SysmonDirectory = "C:\Tools\Sysmon\"
$SysmonLocalZip = "C:\Tools\"
$SysmonURL = ""
if (!(Test-Path $SysmonLocalZip)) {
$wc.DownloadFile($SysmonURL, $SysmonLocalZip)
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $SysmonLocalZip -DestinationPath $SysmonDirectory
# Download Sysmon SwiftOnSecurity Config
$SysmonLocalConfig = $SysmonDirectory + "sysmon-config.xml"
$SysmonConfigURL = ""
if (!(Test-Path $SysmonLocalConfig)) {
$wc.DownloadFile($SysmonConfigURL, $SysmonLocalConfig)
# Execute Sysmon
$ServiceName = 'Sysmon'
$SysmonService = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($SysmonService.Status -ne 'Running')
$SysmonExe = $SysmonDirectory + "Sysmon.exe"
& $SysmonExe -i $SysmonLocalConfig -accepteula
# SilkService
$SilkServiceURL = ""
$SilkServiceLocalZip = "C:\Tools\"
$SilkServiceDirectory = "C:\Tools\SilkService"
if (!(Test-Path $SilkServiceLocalZip)) {
$wc.DownloadFile($SilkServiceURL, $SilkServiceLocalZip)
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $SilkServiceLocalZip -DestinationPath $SilkServiceDirectory
$DotNetInstaller = $SilkServiceDirectory + "\v8\Dependencies\dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe"
$vc2015Installer = $SilkServiceDirectory + "\v8\Dependencies\vc2015_redist.x86.exe"
& $DotNetInstaller /SILENT
& $vc2015Installer /SILENT
$SilkServiceConfigLocation = $SilkServiceDirectory + "\v8\SilkService\SilkServiceConfig.xml"
$SilkServiceConfig = @"
SilkService Config
Author: Roberto Rodriguez (@Cyb3rWard0g)
License: GPL-3.0
Version: 0.0.1
Microsoft-Windows-LDAP-Client ETW Provider
Microsoft-Windows-Crypto-DPAPI ETW Provider
Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client ETW Provider
Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime ETW Provider
Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer ETW Provider
Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity ETW Provider
Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP ETW Provider
This is a kernel collector (ImageLoad)
if (!(Test-Path $SilkServiceConfigLocation)) {
Set-Content -Path $SilkServiceConfigLocation -Value $SilkServiceConfig
$SilkService = Get-Service -Name "SilkService" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($SilkService.Status -ne 'Running')
$params = @{
Name = "SilkService"
BinaryPathName = "C:\Tools\SilkService\v8\SilkService\SilkService.exe"
DependsOn = "NetLogon"
DisplayName = "SilkETW Service"
StartupType = "Automatic"
Description = "SilkService."
New-Service @params
# Download Winlogbeat
$WinlogbeatDirectory = "C:\Tools\Winlogbeat\"
$WinlogbeatLocalZip = "C:\Tools\"
$WinlogbeatURL = ""
$WinlogbeatLocalConfigLocation = "C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat\winlogbeat-7.6.2-windows-x86_64\winlogbeat.yml"
$WinlogbeatLocalConfig = @"
#======================= Winlogbeat specific options ==========================
- name: Application
ignore_older: 30m
- name: Security
ignore_older: 30m
- name: System
ignore_older: 30m
- name: Microsoft-windows-sysmon/operational
ignore_older: 30m
- name: Microsoft-windows-PowerShell/Operational
ignore_older: 30m
event_id: 4103, 4104
- name: Windows PowerShell
event_id: 400,600
ignore_older: 30m
- name: Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational
event_id: 5857,5858,5859,5860,5861
- name: SilkService-Log
ignore_older: 72h
#----------------------------- Kafka output --------------------------------
hosts: ["<HELK-IP>:9092","<HELK-IP>:9093"]
topic: "winlogbeat"
############################# HELK Optimizing Latency ######################
max_retries: 2
max_message_bytes: 1000000
if (!(Test-Path $WinlogbeatLocalZip)) {
$wc.DownloadFile($WinlogbeatURL, $WinlogbeatLocalZip)
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $WinlogbeatLocalZip -DestinationPath $WinlogbeatDirectory
Move-Item -Path $WinlogbeatDirectory.TrimEnd('/') -Destination "C:\Program Files\" -Force
Push-Location "C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat\winlogbeat-7.6.2-windows-x86_64"
# Install Winlogbeat service
Remove-Item -Path $WinlogbeatLocalConfigLocation -Force
Set-Content -Path $WinlogbeatLocalConfigLocation -Value $WinlogbeatLocalConfig
$stringToFind = '\["<HELK-IP>:9092","<HELK-IP>:9093"\]'
$stringToReplace = '["' + $env:HELK_IP + ':9092"]'
((Get-Content -path $WinlogbeatLocalConfigLocation) -replace $stringToFind,$stringToReplace) | Set-Content -Path $WinlogbeatLocalConfigLocation
Start-Service Winlogbeat
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