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Created May 30, 2014 14:04
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title: Assignment 6
- Arjen Rouvoet
## 1: Weighted Max-SAT
It's trivial to perform this parallel to the proof in the book.
Let $Z_i$ be a random variable indicating whether clause $i$ is satisfied ($Z_i$ is $1$ if $i$ is
The expected contribution $W_i$ of the $i$'th clause with weight $w_i$ to the summed weight is:
(@) $E[W_i] = E[w_i Z] = w_i E[Z] = \frac{w_i}{2}$
This expectation is independent for all clauses, such that summing over all $m$ clauses:
(@) $E[S] = \sum_{i=1}^{m} E[W_i] = \sum_{i=1}^{m} \frac{w_i}{2} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{m} w_i}{2}$
## 2: Max-Cut as Max-2-SAT
Given an instance $G = (V, E)$ of Max-Cut, we find an instance $S$ of Max-2-SAT as follows:
+ For each $(u, v) \in E$ add two clauses: $(u \vee v) \wedge (\neg u \vee \neg v)$ to $S$
We find that each set of such clauses is maximized for $(u \wedge \neg v) \vee (\neg u \wedge v)$
and that this means that the edge $(u, v)$ is in de cut.
If either of the two clauses is not satisfied, this means that the edge is not in de cut.
If $S$ has maximum $n$ out of $m$ clauses satisfied, then this means that the corresponding instance
of Max-Cut has maximum:
(@) $\lfloor \frac{n-(m-n)}{2} \rfloor = \lfloor \frac{2n-m}{2} \rfloor$
Having an $\alpha$-approximation for Max-2-Sat does not mean we have an $\alpha$ approximation for
This can be seen if one recognizes that in a Max-2-Sat instance derived from Max-Cut, always half of
the clauses can be satisfied, even if the cut is chosen as containing zero edges!
## 3:
## 4: Independent Set
a. Given $n$ vertices and the fact that each vertice has a probability to survive of $1/d$, this
gives the expected number of vertices that survive:
(@) $E[S] = \frac{n}{d}$
An edge only survives if both endpoints survive, starting with $\frac{nd}{2}$ edges:
(@) $E[R] = \frac{nd}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{d^2} = \frac{n}{2d}$
b. If we now remove all edges that remain by removing on of it's endpoints, we have an independent
set of at least $\frac{n}{2d}$ nodes.
Using the probabilistic method, we now know that at least one such independent set must exist
for every such graph. $\blacksquare$
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