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Created October 31, 2013 18:02
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package decisiontrees
import (
pb ""
type boostingTreeGenerator struct {
forestConfig *pb.ForestConfig
forest *pb.Forest
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) doInfluenceTrimming(e Examples) Examples {
lossFunction := b.getLossFunction()
by(func(e1, e2 *pb.Example) bool {
return lossFunction.GetSampleImportance(e1) < lossFunction.GetSampleImportance(e2)
// Find cutoff point
weightSum := 0.0
for _, ex := range e {
weightSum += lossFunction.GetSampleImportance(ex)
cutoffPointSum := b.forestConfig.GetInfluenceTrimmingConfig().GetAlpha() * weightSum
cutoffPoint, cumulativeSum := 0, 0.0
for i, ex := range e {
cutoffPoint = i
if cumulativeSum < cutoffPointSum {
cumulativeSum += lossFunction.GetSampleImportance(ex)
return e[cutoffPoint:]
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) updateExampleWeights(e Examples) {
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) constructWeakLearner(e Examples) {
weakLearner := (&regressionSplitter{
leafWeight: func(e Examples) float64 {
return b.getLossFunction().GetLeafWeight(e)
featureSelector: naiveFeatureSelector{},
splittingConstraints: b.forestConfig.GetSplittingConstraints(),
shrinkageConfig: b.forestConfig.GetShrinkageConfig(),
b.forest.Trees = append(b.forest.Trees, weakLearner)
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) doBoostingRound(e Examples, round int) {
startTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
glog.Infof("Round %v, duration %v", round, time.Now().Sub(startTime))
if b.forestConfig.GetStochasticityConfig() != nil {
e = e.subsampleExamples(b.forestConfig.GetStochasticityConfig().GetPerRoundSamplingRate())
// Trim the low-sample influencers
if b.forestConfig.GetInfluenceTrimmingConfig() != nil &&
b.forestConfig.GetInfluenceTrimmingConfig().GetWarmupRounds() < int64(round) {
e = b.doInfluenceTrimming(e)
metrics := b.computeTrainingMetrics(e)
glog.Infof("Epoch: %v, Metrics: %+v", round, metrics)
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) computeTrainingMetrics(e Examples) pb.EpochResult {
evaluator, err := NewRescaledFastForestEvaluator(b.forest)
if err != nil {
return computeEpochResult(evaluator, e)
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) getLossFunction() LossFunction {
evaluator, err := newUnscaledFastForestEvaluator(b.forest)
if err != nil {
return NewLossFunction(b.forestConfig.GetLossFunctionConfig(), evaluator)
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) getRescaling() pb.Rescaling {
if b.forestConfig.GetLossFunctionConfig().GetLossFunction() == pb.LossFunction_LOGIT {
return pb.Rescaling_LOG_ODDS
return pb.Rescaling_NONE
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) initializeForest(e Examples) {
b.forest = &pb.Forest{
Trees: make([]*pb.TreeNode, 0, b.forestConfig.GetNumWeakLearners()),
Rescaling: b.getRescaling().Enum(),
// Initial prior
b.forest.Trees = append(b.forest.Trees, &pb.TreeNode{
LeafValue: proto.Float64(b.getLossFunction().GetPrior(e)),
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) ConstructForest(e Examples) *pb.Forest {
glog.Infof("Initializing forest with config %+v", b.forestConfig)
for i := 0; i < int(b.forestConfig.GetNumWeakLearners()); i++ {
glog.Infof("Running boosting round %v", i)
b.doBoostingRound(e, i)
return b.forest
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