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-- Expand represnets the operation of exploring the
-- current active set of nodes.
type Expand a =
Seq (Node a) -> Node a -> Node a -> Seq (Node a)
package decisiontrees
import (
pb ""
type boostingTreeGenerator struct {
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) doBoostingRound(e Examples, round int) {
startTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
glog.Infof("Round %v, duration %v", round, time.Now().Sub(startTime))
if b.forestConfig.GetStochasticityConfig() != nil {
e = e.subsampleExamples(b.forestConfig.GetStochasticityConfig().GetPerRoundSamplingRate())
from collections import namedtuple
Example = namedtuple('Example', ['features', 'label'])
def loss(pairs):
L^2 loss - sum of squared divergece of label from average label
if not pairs:
return 0.0
module MachineLearning.DecisionTrees
predictForest) where
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (and, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust,
buildTreeAtLevel :: (Examples -> Double) -> PB.SplittingConstraints -> Int -> Examples -> DecisionTree
buildTreeAtLevel leafWeight splittingConstraints level examples =
if shouldSplit splittingConstraints level examples bestSplit
then Branch {
_feature=_splitFeature bestSplit
, _value=_splitValue bestSplit
, _left=recur $ V.takeWhile takePredicate orderedExamples
, _right=recur $ V.dropWhile takePredicate orderedExamples
else Leaf (leafWeight examples) where
func (r *randomForestGenerator) ConstructForest(e Examples) *pb.Forest {
result := &pb.Forest{
Trees: make([]*pb.TreeNode, int(r.forestConfig.GetNumWeakLearners())),
Rescaling: pb.Rescaling_AVERAGING.Enum(),
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < int(r.forestConfig.GetNumWeakLearners()); i++ {
go func(i int) {
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) doInfluenceTrimming(e Examples) Examples {
lossFunction := b.getLossFunction()
by(func(e1, e2 *pb.Example) bool {
return lossFunction.GetSampleImportance(e1) < lossFunction.GetSampleImportance(e2)
// Find cutoff point
weightSum := 0.0
for _, ex := range e {
func (b *boostingTreeGenerator) doBoostingRound(e Examples, round int) {
startTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
glog.Infof("Round %v, duration %v", round, time.Now().Sub(startTime))
if b.forestConfig.GetStochasticityConfig() != nil {
e = e.subsampleExamples(b.forestConfig.GetStochasticityConfig().GetPerRoundSamplingRate())
type lossState struct {
averageLabel float64
sumSquaredDivergence float64
numExamples int
func constructLoss(e Examples) *lossState {
l := &lossState{}
for _, ex := range e {