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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Save ajturner/2a80885e4c38bf370f18 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Demo of ArcGIS GeoJSON to Cedar + Vega
* Cedar
* Generic charting / visualization library for the ArcGIS Platform
* that leverages vega + d3 internally.
'use strict';
* Constructor
* @param {object} options Cedar options
var Cedar = function Cedar(options){
//close over this for use in callbacks
var self = this;
//ensure an opts object
var opts = options || {};
* Internals for holding state
// Array to hold event handlers
this._events = [];
//initialize the internal definition hash
this._definition = Cedar._defaultDefinition();
//the vega view aka the chart
this._view = undefined;
//queue to hold methods called while
//xhrs are in progress
* Flag used to determine if the library is
* waiting for an xhr to return.
this._pendingXhr = false;
//is it an object or string(assumed to be url)
if(typeof opts.definition === 'object'){
//hold onto the definition
this._definition = opts.definition;
}else if(typeof opts.definition === 'string' ){
//assume it's a url (relative or abs) and fetch the definition object
this._pendingXhr = true;
Cedar.getJson(opts.definition, function(err,data){
self._pendingXhr = false;
self._definition = data;
throw new Error('parameter definition must be an object or string (url)');
if(opts.override) {
this._definition.override = opts.override;
//is it an object or string(assumed to be url)
if(typeof opts.specification === 'object'){
//hold onto the template
this._definition.specification = opts.specification;
}else if(typeof opts.specification === 'string' ){
//assume it's a url (relative or abs) and fetch the template object
this._pendingXhr = true;
Cedar.getJson(opts.specification, function(err,data){
self._pendingXhr = false;
self._definition.specification = data;
throw new Error('parameter template must be an object or string (url)');
//allow a dataset to be passed in...
if(opts.dataset && typeof opts.dataset === 'object'){
opts.dataset.query = Cedar._mixin({}, Cedar._defaultQuery(), opts.dataset.query);
//assign it
this._definition.dataset = opts.dataset;
* Properties
* ES 5.1 syntax, so IE 8 & lower won't work
* If the val is a url, should we expect
* cedar to fetch the object?
* I'd say no... as that violates the principal
* of least suprise. Also - cedar has a .getJSON
* helper method the dev should use.
Object.defineProperty(this, 'dataset', {
get: function() {
return this._definition.dataset;
set: function(val) {
this._definition.dataset = val;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'specification', {
get: function() {
return this._definition.specification;
set: function(val) {
this._definition.specification = val;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'override', {
get: function() {
return this._definition.override;
set: function(val) {
this._definition.override = val;
* Inspect the current state of the object
* and determine if we have sufficient information
* to render the chart
* @return {object} Hash of the draw state + any missing requirements
Cedar.prototype.canDraw = function(){
//dataset.url ||
//specification.inputs ~ dataset.mappings?
return {drawable:true, errs:[]};
* Render a chart in the specified element
* @param {object} options
* options.elementId [required] Id of the Dom element into which the chart will be rendered
* options.token [optional] Token to be used if the data or spec are on a secured server
*/ = function(options){
this._addToMethodQueue('show', [options]);
var err;
//ensure we got an elementId
if( !options.elementId ){
err= " requires options.elementId";
//check if element exists in the page
if([0][0] === null){
err = "Element " + options.elementId + " is not present in the DOM";
//hold onto the id
this._elementId = options.elementId;
this._renderer = options.renderer || "canvas"; //default to canvas
//hold onto the token
this._token = options.token;
if( err ){
throw new Error( err );
var chk = this.canDraw();
//update centralizes the spec compilation & drawing
//report the issues
var errs = chk.issues.join(',');
throw new Error('Chart can not be drawn because: ' + errs);
* Render the chart using the internal state
* Should be called after a user modifies the
* of the dataset, query, mappings or template
Cedar.prototype.update = function(){
var self = this;
if ( this._view ) {
//remove handlers
//TODO Remove existing handlers
//ensure we have required inputs or defaults
var compiledMappings = Cedar._applyDefaultsToMappings(this._definition.dataset.mappings, this._definition.specification.inputs); //Cedar._compileMappings(this._definition.dataset, this._definition.specification.inputs);
var queryFromSpec = Cedar._mixin({}, this._definition.specification.query, this._definition.dataset.query);
queryFromSpec = JSON.parse(Cedar._supplant(JSON.stringify(queryFromSpec), compiledMappings));
//allow binding to query properties
compiledMappings.query = queryFromSpec;
//compile the template + mappings --> vega spec
var spec = JSON.parse(Cedar._supplant(JSON.stringify(this._definition.specification.template), compiledMappings));
// merge in user specified style overrides
spec = Cedar._mergeRecursive(spec, this._definition.override);
//if the spec has a url in the data node, delete it
//create the data node using the passed in data[0].values =;
//send to vega
//we need to fetch the data so
var url = Cedar._createFeatureServiceRequest(this._definition.dataset, queryFromSpec);
//create a callback closure to carry the spec
var cb = function(err,data){
//todo add error handlers for xhr and ags errors[0].values = data;
//send to vega
//fetch the data from the service
Cedar.getJson(url, cb);
* Render a fully cooked spec
Cedar.prototype._renderSpec = function(spec){
var self = this;
//use vega to parse the spec
//it will handle the spec as an object or url
vg.parse.spec(spec, function(chartCtor) {
//create the view
self._view = chartCtor({
el: self._elementId,
renderer: self._renderer
//render into the element
//attach event proxies
if ( self._view ) {
* highlight marker based on attribute value
*/ = function( opt ) {
var self = this;
var view = this._view;
var items = view.model().scene().items[0].items[0].items;
items.forEach(function(item) {
if ([opt.key] === opt.value ) {
if ( item.hasPropertySet("hover") ) {
self._view.update({props:"hover", items:item});
* highlight marker based on attribute value
Cedar.prototype.clearSelection = function( opt ) {
var self = this;
var view = this._view;
var items = view.model().scene().items[0].items[0].items;
if ( opt && opt.key ) {
items.forEach(function(item) {
if ([opt.key] === opt.value ) {
self._view.update({props:"update", items:item});
} else {
//clear all
// trigger callback
Cedar.prototype.emit = function(eventName) {
if (this._view._handler._handlers[ eventName ]){
this._view._handler._handlers[ eventName ][0].handler();
* Attach the generic proxy handlers to the chart view
Cedar.prototype._attach = function(view){
view.on('mouseover', this._handler('mouseover'));
view.on('mouseout', this._handler('mouseout'));
view.on('click', this._handler("click"));
view.on('update-start', this._handler('update-start'));
view.on('update-end', this._handler('update-end'));
* Remove all event handlers from the view
Cedar.prototype._remove = function(view){'mouseover');'mouseout');'click');'update-start');'update-end');
* Helper function that validates that the
* mappings hash contains values for all
* the inputs
* @param {array} inputs Array of inputs
* @param {object} mappings Hash of mappings
* @return {array} Missing mappings
Cedar._validateMappings = function(inputs, mappings){
var missingInputs = [], input;
for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++){
input = inputs[i];
return missingInputs;
* Validate that the incoming data has the fields expected
* in the mappings
Cedar._validateData = function(data, mappings){
var missingInputs = [];
if(!data.features || !Array.isArray(data.features)){
throw new Error('Data is expected to have features array!');
var firstRow = data.features[0].attributes;
for(var key in mappings){
var fld = Cedar._getMappingFieldName(key, mappings[key].field);
return missingInputs;
* Centralize and abstract the computation of
* expected field names, based on the mapping name
Cedar._getMappingFieldName = function(mappingName, fieldName){
var name = fieldName;
//if(mappingName.toLowerCase() === 'count'){
// name = fieldName + '_SUM';
return name;
* Return a default definition object
Cedar._defaultDefinition = function(){
var defn = {
"dataset": {
"query": this._defaultQuery()
defn.dataset.query = Cedar._defaultQuery();
return defn;
* Default Query Object
Cedar._defaultQuery = function(){
var defaultQuery = {
"where": "1=1",
"returnGeometry": false,
"returnDistinctValues": false,
"returnIdsOnly": false,
"returnCountOnly": false,
"outFields": "*",
"f": "json"
return defaultQuery;
* Generic event handler proxy
Cedar.prototype._handler = function(evtName) {
var self = this;
//return a handler function w/ the events hash closed over
var handler = function(evt, item){
self._events.forEach( function(registeredHandler){
if(registeredHandler.type === evtName){
//invoke the callback with the data
if ( item ) {
} else {
return handler;
* Add a handler for the named event
Cedar.prototype.on = function(evtName, callback){
this._events.push({"type":evtName, "callback":callback});
* Remove a handler for the named event
*/ = function(evtName /*, callback */){
console.log('Handler for ' + evtName +' removed...');
* Creates an entry in the method queue, excuted
* once a pending xhr is completed
Cedar.prototype._addToMethodQueue = function(name, args){
this._methodQueue.push({ method: name, args: args });
* empties the method queue by calling the queued methods
* This helps build a more syncronous api, while still
* doing async things in the code
Cedar.prototype._purgeMethodQueue = function(){
var self = this;
if(self._methodQueue.length > 0){
for(var i=0;i<self._methodQueue.length;i++){
var action = self._methodQueue[i];
self[action.method].apply(self, action.args);
* fetch json from a url
* @param {string} url Url to json file
* @param {Function} callback node-style callback function (err, data)
Cedar.getJson = function( url, callback ){
d3.json(url, function(err,data) {
callback('Error loading ' + url + ' ' + err.message);
callback(null, data);
Cedar._mixin = function(source) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
d3.entries(arguments[i]).forEach(function(p) {
source[p.key] = p.value;
return source;
* Given a dataset hash, create the feature service
* query string
Cedar._createFeatureServiceRequest = function( dataset, queryFromSpec ) {
var mergedQuery = Cedar._mixin({}, Cedar._defaultQuery(), queryFromSpec);
//Handle bbox
//make sure a geometry was not also passed in
throw new Error('Dataset.query can not have both a geometry and a bbox specified');
//get the bbox (W,S,E,N)
var bboxArr = mergedQuery.bbox.split(',');
//remove it so it's not serialized as-is
delete mergedQuery.bbox;
//cook it into a json string
mergedQuery.geometry = JSON.stringify({"xmin": bboxArr[0], "ymin": bboxArr[2],"xmax": bboxArr[1], "ymax": bboxArr[3] });
//set the spatial ref as geographic
mergedQuery.inSR = '4326';
if(!mergedQuery.groupByFieldsForStatistics && {
mergedQuery.groupByFieldsForStatistics =;
if(!mergedQuery.outStatistics && dataset.mappings.count) {
mergedQuery.orderByFields = dataset.mappings.count.field + "_SUM";
mergedQuery.outStatistics = JSON.stringify([{"statisticType": "sum", "onStatisticField": dataset.mappings.count.field, "outStatisticFieldName": dataset.mappings.count.field + "_SUM"}]);
//iterate the mappings keys to check for sort
//This approach would seem 'clean' but if there are multiple fields
//to sort by, the order would be determined by how javascript decides to
//iterate the mappings property hash.
//Thus, using mappings.sort gives the developer explicit control
// var sort = [];
// for (var property in dataset.mappings) {
// if (dataset.mappings.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
// if(dataset.mappings[property].sort){
// //ok - build up the sort
// sort.push(dataset.mappings[property].field + ' ' + dataset.mappings[property].sort);
// }
// }
// }
// if(sort.length > 0){
// mergedQuery.orderByFields = sort.join(',');
// }
//check for a sort passed directly in
mergedQuery.orderByFields = dataset.mappings.sort;
var url = dataset.url + "/query?" + this._serializeQueryParams(mergedQuery);
url = url + '&token=' + dataset.token;
return url;
Cedar._applyDefaultsToMappings = function(mappings, inputs){
var errs = [];
//loop over the inputs
for(var i =0; i < inputs.length; i++){
//get the input
var input = inputs[i];
//if it's required and not in the mappings, add an exception
if(input.required && !mappings[] ){
//if it's not required, has a default and not in the mappings
if(!input.required && !mappings[] && input.default){
//add the default
mappings[] = input.default;
if(errs.length > 0){
throw new Error('Required Mappings Missing: ' + errs.join(','));
return mappings;
* Token Replacement on a string
* @param {string} template string template
* @param {object} params object hash that maps to the tokens to be replaced
* @return {string} string with values replaced
Cedar._supplant = function( tmpl, params ){
return tmpl.replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g,
function (a, b) {
var r = Cedar._getTokenValue(params, b);
return typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number' ? r : a;
* Recursively merge properties of two objects
Cedar._mergeRecursive = function(obj1, obj2) {
for (var p in obj2) {
try {
// Property in destination object set; update its value.
if ( obj2[p].constructor===Object || obj2[p].constructor===Array) {
obj1[p] = Cedar._mergeRecursive(obj1[p], obj2[p]);
} else {
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
} catch(e) {
// Property in destination object not set; create it and set its value.
obj1[p] = obj2[p];
return obj1;
* Get the value of a token from a hash
* @param {[type]} tokens [description]
* @param {[type]} tokenName [description]
* @return {[type]} [description]
* Pulled from gulp-token-replace (MIT license)
Cedar._getTokenValue = function(tokens, tokenName) {
var tmpTokens = tokens;
var tokenNameParts = tokenName.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < tokenNameParts.length; i++) {
if (tmpTokens.hasOwnProperty(tokenNameParts[i])) {
tmpTokens = tmpTokens[tokenNameParts[i]];
} else {
return null;
return tmpTokens;
* Serilize an object into a query string
* @param {object} params Params for the query string
* @return {string} query string
Cedar._serializeQueryParams = function(params) {
var str = [];
for(var p in params){
if (params.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
var val = params[p];
if (typeof val !== "string") {
val = JSON.stringify(val);
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(val));
var queryString = str.join("&");
return queryString;
window.Cedar = Cedar;
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no' />
<!-- Load D3 -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- Load Cedar
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4" id="details"></div>
<div class="col-lg-8" id="chart"></div>
<script type="tmpl" id="detail-template">
<li>Name: <%=State%></li>
<li>Jobs: <%=Jobs%></li>
var chart = new Cedar();
var spec = {
"inputs": [
"width": 1000,
"height": 850,
"data": [
"name": "states",
"format": {"type": "json", "property": "features"},
"transform": [
{"type":"geopath", "value":"data.geometry", "projection":"albersUsa"}
"scales": [
"domain": {
"data": "states",
"field": ""
"name": "color",
"type": "linear",
"range": [
"name": "legend_labels",
"type": "ordinal",
"range": ["LOW", "HIGH"]
"legends": [
"fill": "color",
"title": "Jobs",
"orient": "right",
"properties": {
"gradient": {"stroke": "transparent"},
"labels": {
"text": {"scale": "legend_labels", "field": "data"}
"marks": [
"type": "path",
"from": {"data": "states"},
"properties": {
"enter": {
"stroke": {"value": "#fff"},
"strokeWidth": {"value": 1.25},
"path": {"field": "path"},
"fill": {"scale":"color", "field": ""}
"update": {
"stroke": {"value": "#fff"}
"hover": {
"stroke": {"value": "#888"}
//assign to chart
chart.specification = spec;
var url = "*&returnGeometry=true&maxAllowableOffset=&geometryPrecision=&outSR=4326&returnIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&returnExtentOnly=false&orderByFields=&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&returnZ=false&returnM=false&quantizationParameters=&f=pgeojson&token=";
var data = Cedar.getJson(url, function(err, data){
console.log("data", data)
var dataset = {
"data": data,
//assign to the chart
chart.dataset = dataset;
//show the chart{
elementId: "#chart"
function compileTemplate(data) {
var tmpl = document.getElementById("detail-template").innerHTML;
//this uses underscore's templating library, but it could use anything
return _.template(tmpl)(;
function showItem(data){
console.log("showItem", data);
if(data !== undefined ) {
document.getElementById('details').innerHTML = compileTemplate(data);
chart.on('mouseover', showItem);
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