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Last active July 21, 2021 14:53
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How to provision an IoT Device to Google Cloud IoT Core

Provisioning Devices to Google Cloud IoT Core

When deploying IoT devices on a global scale, many considerations have to be put in place. Remote accessibility, security, device management, simplicity, flow control, reliability, low latency, redundancy, integration with other cloud services represent some of the important considerations. To meet most of the requirements needed in deploying devices on a global scale, one has little or no option but to look to cloud platforms.

Google’s cloud platform provides Cloud IoT Core solution to meet the demands of secure and scalable IoT. Cloud IoT Core is a fully managed service to securely connect and manage a global device network. It features https/MQTT endpoints, automatic load balancing and global data access with Pub/Sub. Cloud IoT Core acts as a device manager and the integration with Pub/Sub enables IoT Core to also act as a communication broker. The use of Cloud IoT also ensures highway access to the rest of Google’s cloud platform.

Cloud IoT Core Workflow (Source:

To show off the simplicity of connecting a device to Cloud IoT Core, we are going to register a device on it, and use a sample to connect a virtual device and publish device telemetry events.

To begin;

Let’s go ahead and create a device registry – this is used to group a set of devices;

  • Go to Google Cloud IoT Core page in the GCP Console
  • Click Create a registry
  • Enter my-registry for the Registry ID
  • Select us-central1 for the Cloud Region
  • Select MQTT for the Protocol
  • In the Telemetry topic dropdown list, select Create a topic
  • In the Create a topic dialog, enter my-device-events in the Name field
  • Click Create in the Create a topic dialog
  • Leave the other fields in their default state
  • Click Create on the Cloud IoT Core page.

We just created a device registry with a Cloud Pub/Sub topic for publishing device telemetry events. Next, we add a device to the registry.

  • Click Add device on the Registry Details page.
  • Enter my-device for the Device ID
  • Select Allow for Device communication
  • Leave the other fields in their default state
  • Click Add

Having just added a device to the registry, we shall be adding a public key to the device. In order to do this, we shall be making use of the Google Cloud Shell which comes with Cloud SDK and Node.js already installed. Click the Activate Cloud Shell button at the top of the Google Cloud Platform Console.

When the Cloud Shell starts, do the following:

  • Run the multi-line command below to create an RS256 key

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout rsa_private.pem -nodes -out rsa_cert.pem -subj "/CN=unused"

  • Enter the command below to display the public key

cat rsa_cert.pem

  • Copy the contents, ensure to include the lines that say


  • On the Device details page for the device created in the preceding section, click Add public key
  • Select RS256_X509 for the Public key format
  • Paste your public key in the Public key value box
  • Click Add

An RS256_X509 key appears on the Device details page for your device. At this point, we are homestretch, all that remains is to connect the device and start to view telemetry.

Let’s connect a virtual device and read messages published to the telemetry topic.

  • In the Cloud Shell, run the command below to clone a repo from GitHub

git clone

  • Navigate to the iot/mqtt_example

cd nodejs-docs-samples/iot/mqtt_example

  • Copy rsa_private.pem to the current directory (iot/mqtt_example), with the following command

cp ../../../rsa_private.pem .

  • Install Node.js dependencies

npm install

  • Run the following command to create a subscription to the registry’s Pub/Sub topic, substituting your PROJECT_ID

gcloud pubsub subscriptions create \projects/PROJECT_ID/subscriptions/my-subscription --topic=projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/my-device-events

  • Run the following command to connect the virtual device to Cloud IoT Core using MQTT protocol, substituting your PROJECT_ID and REGION

node cloudiot_mqtt_example_nodejs.js --projectId=PROJECT_ID --cloudRegion=REGION --registryId=my-registry --deviceId=my-device --privateKeyFile=rsa_private.pem --numMessages=25 --algorithm=RS256 --mqttBridgePort=443

  • To read the messages published to the telemetry topic, substitute for your PROJECT_ID in the following

gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull --auto-ack \projects/PROJECT_ID/subscriptions/my-subscription

Once you run step 7 above, you should be able to see a similar output as the one below.

Congratulations! You have been able to connect a device to Cloud IoT Core and viewed telemetry data. Take out more time to explore more of Cloud IoT Core.

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ben700 commented Jul 20, 2021

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ben700 commented Jul 21, 2021 via email

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