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Created July 22, 2013 16:34
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ruby assessment
# AdamWaxman_assessment.rb
# 1. Arrays #
array = ["Blake", "Ashley", "Jeff"]
# a. Add a element to an array
# b. Write a statement to print out all the elements of the array.
array.each do |element|
puts element
# c. Return the value at index 1.
# d. Return the index for the value "Jeff".
# 2. Hashes #
instructor = {:name=>"Ashley", :age=>27}
# a. Add a new key for location and give it the value "NYC".
instructor[:location] = "NYC"
# b. Write a statement to print out all the key/value pairs in the hash
instructor.each do |key, value|
puts "Key:#{key}, value: #{value}"
# c. Return the name value from the hash.
# d. Return the key name for the value 27.
# 3. Nested Structures #
school = { :name => "Happy Funtime School",
:location => "NYC",
:instructors => [ {:name=>"Blake",
:subject=>"being awesome" },
:subject=>"being better than blake"},
:students => [ {:name => "Marissa",
:grade => "B"},
:grade => "F"},
{:name => "Frank",
:grade => "A"},
{:name => "Sophie",
:grade => "C"}
# a. Add a key to the school hash called "founded_in" and set it to the value 2013.
school[:founded_in] = 2013
# b. Add a student to the school's students' array.
school[:students].push({:name => "Bob", :grade => "A"})
# c. Remove "Billy" from the students' array.
# d. Add a key to every student in the students array called "semester" and assign it the value "Summer".
school[:students].each do |student|
student[:semester] = "Summer"
# e. Change Ashley's subject to "being almost better than Blake"
school[:instructors][1][:subject] = "being almost bettter than Blake"
# f. Change Frank's grade from "A" to "F".
school[:students][1][:grade] = "B" # Assumes object was already manipulated and that Billy was removed from the student array
# g. Return the name of the student with a "B".
school[:students].each do |student|
if student[:grade] == "B"
puts student[:name]
return student[:name]
########### Come Back to Above Problem ##############
# h. Return the subject of the instructor "Jeff".
# i. Write a statement to print out all the values in the school. ***FLAG
# 4. Methods #
# a.
# i. Create a method to return the grade of a student, given that student's name.
def student_grade(school, name)
grade = nil
school[:students].each do |student|
if student[:name] == name
grade = student[:grade]
return grade
# ii. Then use it to refactor your work in 3.i.
######## Confused what this question is asking
# b.
# i.Create a method to udpate a instructor's subject given the instructor and the new subject.
def update_subject(school, instructor_name, new_subject)
school[:instructors].each do |instructor|
if instructor[:name] == instructor_name
instructor[:subject] = new_subject
# ii. Then use it to update Blake's subject to "being terrible".
update_subject(school, "Blake", "being terrible")
# c.
# i. Create a method to add a new student to the schools student array.
def add_student(school, student)
# ii. Then use it to add yourself to the school students array.
adam = {:name => "Adam", :grade => "TBD"}
add_student(school, adam)
# d.
# i. Create a method that adds a new key at the top level of the school hash, given a key and a value.
def add_key(school, key, value)
school[key] = value
# ii. Then use it to add a "Ranking" key with the value 1.
add_key(school, "Ranking", 1)
# 5. Object Orientation #
# a. Create a bare bones class definition for a School class.
class School
# b. Define an initialize method for the School class.
class School
attr_accessor :name, :location, :students, :instructors
attr_reader :ranking
def initialize(name, location, ranking, students, instructors) = name
self.location = location
self.ranking = ranking
self.students = students
self.instructors = instructors
def ranking=(value)
self.ranking = value
def add_student(school, name, grade, semester)
name = "Hawken"
location = "Cleveland"
ranking = 1
students = [{:name => "Adam", :grade => "TBD"}, {:name => "Michael", :grade => "TBD"}]
instructors = [{:name => "Avi", :subject => "Ruby"}, {:name => "Bob", :subject => "Physics"}]
# i. Give your School class the instance variables: name, location, ranking, students, instructors.
# **NOTE: These variables should be of the same type as they are in the hash above.
# ii. Rewrite your initialize method definition to take a parameter for each instance variable.
# iii. Initialize each instance variable with the value of the corresponding parameter.
# c. Create an attr_accessor for name, location, instructors, and students. Create an attr_reader for ranking.
# d. Create a method to set ranking, given a ranking value.
# e. Create a method to add a student to the school, given a name, a grade, and a semester.
# f. Create a method to remove a student from the school, given a name.
# g. Create an array constant SCHOOLS that stores all instances of your School class.
# h. Create a class method `reset` that will empty the SCHOOLS constant.
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