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Created June 16, 2023 13:29
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Wraped `NLsolve.nlsolve` to allow the `residuals!` function to take additional fixed parameters as a tuple of vectors and calculate fast derivaties w.r.t. them.
This module provides a wrapper for `nlsolve`, from `NLsolve.jl`, which is a package for solving
nonlinear systems of equations.
The wrapper extends `nlsolve` to allow the `residuals!` function to take additional fixed parameters
as a tuple of vectors. This convieniently handles
[julia's closure inneficiency problems](,
but more importantly facilitates the fast differentiation (with `ForwardDiff`) of the minimizer with
respect to the parameters.
module NLSolver
using NLsolve, ForwardDiff
The function wraps `NLsolve.nlsolve` to allow the `residuals!` function to take additional fixed
parameters as a tuple of vectors. It has a specialized method to handle taking derivatives of the
zero with respect to the parameters.
# arguments
- `residuals!`: Function that computes the residuals of the system of equations.
The first argument is the vector of residuals, which is modified in place. The second argument
is the vector of variables, and the third argument is the vector of fixed parameters, which are
- `x0`: Initial guess for the solution.
- `p`: Fixed parameters.
All kwargs are passed to `NLsolve.nlsolve`.
Returns a pair whose first element is the zero (with dual number if appropriate) and whose
second element is the `NLsolve.nlsolve` result (whose zero may not have dual numbers).
function solve(residuals!, x0, p; nlsolve_kwargs...)
r!(r, x) = residuals!(r, x, p)
result = nlsolve(r!, x0; nlsolve_kwargs...), result
function solve(residuals!, x0, ps::Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{T, V, P}}; nlsolve_kwargs...) where {T, V, P}
@info "specializing solve for ForwardDiff.Dual"
@info "x0 type: $(typeof(x0))"
p_values = [ForwardDiff.value.(p) for p in ps]
p_partials = [ForwardDiff.partials.(p) for p in ps]
r!(r, x) = residuals!(r, x, p_values)
sol = nlsolve(r!, x0; nlsolve_kwargs...)
tmp = similar(
# ∂r/∂x|
drdx = ForwardDiff.jacobian(tmp, do tmp, x
residuals!(tmp, x, p_values)
# ∂r/∂p|
drdp = ForwardDiff.jacobian(tmp, p_values) do tmp, p
residuals!(tmp,, p)
dxdp = -(drdx \ drdp)
partial_zero = dxdp * p_partials
dual_zero = map(, eachrow(partial_zero)) do v, p
ForwardDiff.Dual{T}(v, p...)
dual_zero, sol
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