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Created January 3, 2020 16:35
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#fibonacci generator by abdullah khaled A-Siam
# April 27,2019 3:40am
msg: .asciiz "x= "
resu: .ascii "fib: "
.globl main
# print (x=)
li $v0,4
la $a0, msg
#get value from the user
li $v0 ,5
move $a0, $v0
jal fib
move $t2 , $v0
li $v0 ,4
la $a0, resu
li $v0 ,1
addi $a0, $t2 , 0
li $v0 ,10
#fibonacci function
#set a space for a single snapshot in the stack
subiu $sp , $sp , 12 #using 3 vars
sw $a0 , 8($sp) #the seed number N
sw $s0 , 4($sp) #used to add fib(N-2)
sw $ra , 0($sp) #pc returining reg (pc+4)
bgt $a0 , $0 , test1 #if(n<=0)
addi $v0 , $0 , 0 #{ return 0;
j endFunction # ...popping outta stack... }
test1: #else if(n==1){
addi $t0 , $0 , 1 #
bne $a0 , $t0 , generate #
add $v0 , $0 , 1 #return1;
j endFunction # ...popping outta stack... }
generate: #else{
subi $a0 , $a0 ,1 # x = n-1;
jal fib # y = fib(x);
addi $s0 , $v0 , 0 # z = y + 0;
subi $a0, $a0 , 1 # a = x -1;
jal fib # b = fib(a)
add $v0 , $s0 $v0 #return z + b;}
# ...popping outta stack...
endFunction: lw $a0 ,8($sp)
lw $s0 ,4($sp)
lw $ra ,0($sp)
addiu $sp , $sp ,12
jr $ra
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