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Last active June 30, 2021 08:38
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Settings deserialization for python: pydantic vs attrs+cattrs
secret_key = "3EEeX_v1exDXdE79CbLVDpQB4F1dmxm2cOC0eQB7Q1k="
ip = ""
username = "kingo"
ip = ""
username = "pi"
ip = ""
username = "kingo"
hops = ["aliyun", "pi", "bridge"]
tunnel = "main"
dest_host = ""
dest_port = 1883
local_port = 1883
from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode
from ipaddress import ip_address, IPv4Address, IPv6Address
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, List, AnyStr
import attr
import cattr
import toml
def not_empty(instance, attribute, value):
if not value:
raise TypeError(f'{} must not be empty.')
def check_secret_key(instance, attribute, value):
assert len(urlsafe_b64decode(value)) == 32, \
f'"{}" should be 32 url safe b64 encoded chars'
def force_bytes(s: AnyStr, encoding='utf-8') -> bytes:
if isinstance(s, bytes):
return s
if isinstance(s, memoryview):
return bytes(s)
return str(s).encode(encoding)
class Hop:
ip: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]
port: Optional[int] = None
username: Optional[str] = None
password: Optional[str] = None
def connect_params(self) -> dict:
rv = {'host': str(self.ip)}
for field in ['port', 'username', 'password']:
value = getattr(self, field, None)
if value is not None:
rv[field] = value
return rv
class Tunnel:
hops: List[str] = attr.field(factory=list, validator=not_empty)
class Settings:
""" Demo settings. """
secret_key: bytes = attr.ib(validator=check_secret_key, converter=force_bytes)
hops: Dict[str, Hop]
tunnels: Dict[str, Tunnel]
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
hop_names = set(self.hops.keys())
for name, tunnel in self.tunnels.items():
missing = set(tunnel.hops) - hop_names
if missing:
missing_names = ', '.join(map(str, missing))
raise ValueError(
f'Cannot find hop[{missing_names}] required by tunnel[{name}]'
if __name__ == '__main__':
# With cattrs>=1.8.0, we can use Converter(prefer_attrib_converters=True) instead.
converter = cattr.Converter()
converter.register_structure_hook(bytes, lambda d, t: force_bytes(d))
Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address],
lambda d, t: ip_address(d),
with open('') as fp:
data = toml.load(fp)
settings = converter.structure(data, Settings)
# Settings(secret_key=b'3EEeX_v1exDXdE79CbLVDpQB4F1dmxm2cOC0eQB7Q1k=', hops={'aliyun': Hop(ip=IPv4Address(''), port=None, username='kingo', password=None), 'pi': Hop(ip=IPv4Address(''), port=None, username='pi', password=None), 'bridge': Hop(ip=IPv4Address(''), port=None, username='kingo', password=None)}, tunnels={'main': Tunnel(hops=['aliyun', 'pi', 'bridge'])})
from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode
from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, List
import pydantic
import toml
class Hop(pydantic.BaseModel):
ip: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]
port: Optional[int]
username: Optional[str]
password: Optional[str]
def connect_params(self):
rv = {'host': str(self.ip)}
for field in ['port', 'username', 'password']:
value = getattr(self, field, None)
if value is not None:
rv[field] = value
return rv
class Tunnel(pydantic.BaseModel):
hops: List[str]
class Settings(pydantic.BaseSettings):
""" Demo settings. """
secret_key: pydantic.conbytes(min_length=32)
hops: Dict[str, Hop] = pydantic.Field()
tunnels: Dict[str, Tunnel] = pydantic.Field()
class Config:
env_prefix = 'SSH_FORWARD_'
extra = 'ignore'
@pydantic.validator('secret_key') # noqa
def check_secret_key(cls, value: bytes) -> bytes:
assert len(urlsafe_b64decode(value)) == 32, \
'secret key should be 32 url safe b64 encoded chars'
return value
@pydantic.root_validator() # noqa
def check_hops(cls, values):
hops: Dict[str, Hop] = values['hops']
tunnels: Dict[str, Tunnel] = values['tunnels']
hop_names = set(hops.keys())
for name, tunnel in tunnels.items():
missing = set(tunnel.hops) - hop_names
if missing:
missing_names = ', '.join(map(str, missing))
raise ValueError(
f'Cannot find hop[{missing_names}] required by tunnel[{name}]'
return values
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('') as fp:
data = toml.load(fp)
settings = Settings(**data)
# Settings(secret_key=b'3EEeX_v1exDXdE79CbLVDpQB4F1dmxm2cOC0eQB7Q1k=', hops={'aliyun': Hop(ip=IPv4Address(''), port=None, username='kingo', password=None), 'pi': Hop(ip=IPv4Address(''), port=None, username='pi', password=None), 'bridge': Hop(ip=IPv4Address(''), port=None, username='kingo', password=None)}, tunnels={'main': Tunnel(hops=['aliyun', 'pi', 'bridge'])})
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