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Last active September 4, 2019 01:43
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Extensible record by Lens trick in OCaml
(** The Lens trick: getter and setter for fields *)
type ('s, 'v) lens =
get: 's -> 'v;
set: 'v -> 's -> 's;
let id_lens = {
get = (fun x -> x);
set = (fun v _ -> v);
(** Lens composition: ('c, 'b) lens -> ('a, 'c) lens -> ('a, 'b) lens *)
let ($$) k l =
let get x = k.get (l.get x) in
let set s x = l.set (k.set s (l.get x)) x in
{ get; set; }
(** As a super type *)
module M = struct
type t = { foo: int; baz: string; }
module F(S: sig type u val super : (u, t) lens end) = struct
let foo = { get = (fun x ->; set = (fun v x -> { x with foo=v }) } $$ S.super
let baz = { get = (fun x -> x.baz); set = (fun v x -> { x with baz=v }) } $$ S.super
(** As a subtype *)
module K = struct
type t = { super: M.t; hoge: float; }
module F(S: sig type u val super : (u, t) lens end) = struct
include M.F(struct
type u = S.u
let super = {
get = (fun x -> x.super);
set = (fun v x -> { x with super=v });
} $$ S.super
let hoge = { get = (fun x -> x.hoge); set = (fun v x -> { x with hoge=v }) } $$ S.super
module KK = K.F(struct type u = K.t let super = id_lens end)
(* results in `42' *)
let _ = { K.super = { = 42; M.baz = "hello" }; K.hoge = 12.34 }
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