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Last active October 13, 2019 16:34
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Save akabe/ad9a6deaaa639124944f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A maze solver by A* algorithm on OCaml
(* ========================================================================== *
* General implementation of A-star algorithm
* ========================================================================== *)
module Astar :
type 'a t =
cost : 'a -> 'a -> int;
goal : 'a;
get_next_states : 'a -> 'a list;
(** [search problem start] returns a path (a list of states) from [start] to
[problem.goal]. The path minimizes [problem.cost]. *)
val search : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a list
end = struct
type 'a t =
cost : 'a -> 'a -> int;
goal : 'a;
get_next_states : 'a -> 'a list;
type 'a path =
cost_from_start : int; (** the cost from the start to [head]. *)
total_cost : int; (** the total cost from the start to the goal. *)
head : 'a;
tail : 'a list;
let create_path ?from problem state =
let (cost_from_start, tail) = match from with
| None -> (0, [])
| Some p -> (p.cost_from_start + problem.cost p.head state,
p.head :: p.tail)
let total_cost = cost_from_start + problem.cost state problem.goal in
{ cost_from_start; total_cost; tail; head = state }
(** [better p q] returns [true] if path [p] is better than path [q]. *)
let better p q = p.total_cost < q.total_cost
(** [pickup_eq_path p l] returns [Some (q, l')] where [q] is the path that
indicates the same position as [p] and [l] is a list excluding [q]. *)
let pickup_eq_path p l =
match List.partition (fun q -> p.head = q.head) l with
| [], _ -> None
| [q], l' -> Some (q, l')
| _ -> failwith "duplicated paths in open/close list"
(** [trace_next_states problem open_list close_list path] traces the next
states of [path.head].
@return [(open_list', close_list')] where [open_list'] and [close_list']
are respectively an open list and a close list after all of the next
states are traced. *)
let trace_next_states problem ol0 cl0 path0 =
let trace_state (ol, cl) state =
let path = create_path ~from:path0 problem state in
match pickup_eq_path path ol with
| Some (q, ol') -> if better path q then (path :: ol', cl) else (ol, cl)
| None ->
match pickup_eq_path path cl with
| Some (q, cl') -> if better path q then (path :: ol, cl') else (ol, cl)
| None -> (path :: ol, cl)
List.fold_left trace_state (ol0, cl0) (problem.get_next_states path0.head)
(** [pickup_best_path l] returns [Some (p, l')] where [p] is the path that
has the least cost in [l] and [l'] is an open list without [p]. *)
let pickup_best_path = function
| [] -> None
| h :: t ->
let aux (y, l) x = if better y x then (y, x :: l) else (x, y :: l) in
Some (List.fold_left aux (h, []) t)
let search problem start =
let rec aux (ol, cl) =
match pickup_best_path ol with
| None -> None (* No path reaches to [problem.goal] *)
| Some (p, ol') ->
if p.head = problem.goal then Some p (* reached to the goal *)
else aux (trace_next_states problem ol' (p :: cl) p)
match aux ([create_path problem start], []) with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some p -> p.head :: p.tail
(* ========================================================================== *
* Domain-specific functions
* ========================================================================== *)
let findi f =
let rec aux i = function
| [] -> None
| xi :: l -> match f i xi with None -> aux (i+1) l | Some _ as res -> res
aux 0
let findij f = findi (fun i -> findi (f i))
let at x (i, j) = findij (fun k l e -> if i=k && j=l then Some e else None) x
let get_next_states field (i, j) =
[(i-1, j); (i+1, j); (i, j-1); (i, j+1)]
|> List.filter (fun pos -> match at field pos with
| None | Some '#' -> false
| Some _ -> true)
let draw_path field states =
let mapij f = List.mapi (fun i -> List.mapi (f i)) in
List.fold_left (fun acc (i, j) ->
mapij (fun i' j' xij -> if i=i' && j=j' && xij=' ' then '*' else xij) acc)
field states
(** Solve a given maze. *)
let solve field =
let open Astar in
let eq_char c i j xij = if xij = c then Some (i,j) else None in
match (findij (eq_char 'S') field), (findij (eq_char 'G') field) with
| Some start, Some goal ->
let cost (i, j) (k, l) = abs (i-k) + abs (j-l) in (* Manhattan distance *)
let problem = { cost; goal; get_next_states = get_next_states field; } in
draw_path field (search problem start)
| _ -> failwith "Not found goal and/or start"
(** Convert a string into a list of characters. *)
let explode s =
let rec aux i l = if i < 0 then l else aux (i - 1) (s.[i] :: l) in
aux (String.length s - 1) []
let () =
["##### ########### # ";
"# ### # # ####### # ### # ";
"# ### #### # # # # # # # # # # # ";
"# # ### # # # # # # ##### # # # # # ";
"### # #S####### # # # # # # # ";
" # ### # # ####### ##### # # ";
" ### # ######### # # # # # # ";
" ##### # ## # # # # # ### # # # # ";
"### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ";
" # # # # ########### # # # # # ######";
" #### # # # # # # # # # # ";
" # ###### # # # # # # # # # ## ";
"####### # # # # # # # # # # # ";
" # # # # # # #### ### # # # #";
" ######## # #### # # # ### ";
" ####### ### ##### # # ## ";
" ##### # # ## #G "]
|> explode
|> solve
|> ( (Bytes.make 1))
|> (String.concat " ")
|> String.concat "\n"
|> print_endline
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fccm commented Oct 13, 2019

At line 154 we need to change Bytes.make for String.make.
At line 155 the result is more easy to see if we make String.concat with an empty string "".

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