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Last active February 11, 2016 12:02
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Makefile to combine LaTeX and Python using PythonTeX
# Makefile for Latex + Pythontex
# Pythontex Reference:
# @author Rafael Lima
# Compiler Options
TEX = pdflatex
TEXFLAGS = --enable-write18 --shell-escape
NAME = magicReport
# Recipes:
ALL: $(NAME).pdf
# Compile and open pdf
$(NAME).pdf: $(NAME).tex $(NAME).pytxcode
$(TEX) $(TEXFLAGS) $(NAME).tex &&\
$(TEX) $(NAME).tex &&\
xdg-open $(@)&
$(NAME).pytxcode: $(NAME).tex
pythontex $<
# Generate Python free latex code
.PHONY = pythonfree
pythonfree: $(NAME).tex
depythontex $<
# Remove generated files
.PHONY = clean
rm -f $(NAME).aux $(NAME).bbl $(NAME).blg $(NAME).log $(NAME).idx $(NAME).out\
$(NAME).nav $(NAME).snm $(NAME).toc $(NAME).vrb
rm -f $(NAME).py*
rm -fr pythontex-files-*
.PHONY = clean-all
clean-all: clean-tex clean-py
rm -f $(NAME).pdf
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