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Created February 12, 2014 01:18
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Looping and text file editing with makefile
# This a test for looping and edit files by makefile,
# it copy some program in diferents folders and run
# it with a litle diference between some text file
# @author: Rafael Lima
# @version: 0.2
# Number of experiments to create
LAST = 10
# Command to run the simulation
CC = ls # luac
CCFLAGS = -la #
# Use shell command to create a sequence of numbers stating on FIRST
# and with end on LAST and store it into variable:
NUMBERS := $(shell seq $(FIRST) $(LAST))
# Create the name of the folders:
PREFIX = exp
JOBS := $(addprefix $(PREFIX),${NUMBERS})
# Main files names:
MAIN_FOLDER = ./program
DATA_FILE = waveSimulation.dat
SIM_PROGRAM = waveSimulation.exe
# Echo formating settings:
COLOR1 = '\e[0;33m' #Set echo color to orange
COLOR2 = '\e[1;30m' #Set echo color to gray
ECHO_RESET = '\e[0m' # Reset all formating atributes
# Recipes:
.PHONY: all simulation
all: simulution; @echo -e "${COLOR1}$@ success! ${ECHO_RESET}"
${JOBS}: $(PREFIX)%: ; @echo -e "${COLOR1}[$*] Preparing $(@)";\
mkdir $(@)
cp $(MAIN_FOLDER)/@(DATA_FILE) $(@D)/$(@)
cp $(MAIN_FOLDER)/@(SIM_PROGRAM) $(@D)/$(@)
# Substitute the sequence '99' with the exp number
data_edit: $(NUMBERS)
sed -i 's/99/$(@)'
simulution: data_edit
@echo -e "${COLOR1}[Starting Simulation:]"
@$(foreach dir,$(JOBS),\
cd $(dir) ; echo -e "${ECHO_RESET}__Simulation on $(dir):__";\
cd ..;\
# Comand to clear all the directories
.PHONY= clean
rm -r exp*
# Command to test the make file in a empty folder
.PHONY= test
mkdir @(MAIN_FOLDER)
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