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Last active January 16, 2016 05:23
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  • windows10 Pro 1511(64bit)
  • VBox 5.0.10
  • Welcome to CakePHP v2.7.8 Console
  • PHPUnit 3.7.38 by Sebastian Bergmann.
  • 1/16 最新取得済み


  • 1回目、Time: 8.57 minutes, Memory: 161.75Mb
  • 2回目、Time: 9.02 minutes, Memory: 161.75Mb


Using username "vagrant".
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-23-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:

New release '14.04.3 LTS' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.

Welcome to your Vagrant-built virtual machine.
Last login: Fri Jan 15 23:36:47 2016 from
vagrant@app:~$ sudo -s
root@app:~# cd /var/www/MyShell/nc3PluginTest/
root@app:/var/www/MyShell/nc3PluginTest# bash Questionnaires

// Checked Questionnaires

PHP CodeSniffer(phpcs)
./vendors/bin/phpcs -p --extensions=php,ctp --standard=CakePHP app/Plugin/Questionnaires
ERROR: the "CakePHP" coding standard is not installed. The installed coding standards are PEAR, MySource, PHPCS, Zend, Squiz, PSR1 and PSR2

PHP Mess Detector(phpmd)
/var/www/app/vendors/bin/phpmd app/Plugin/Questionnaires text /etc/phpmd/rules.xml

PHP Copy/Paste Detector (PHPCPD)
/var/www/app/vendors/bin/phpcpd --exclude Test --exclude Config app/Plugin/Questionnaires
phpcpd 2.0.2 by Sebastian Bergmann.

0.00% duplicated lines out of 8146 total lines of code.

Time: 346 ms, Memory: 10.00Mb

JavaScript Style Check(gjslint)
/usr/local/bin/gjslint --strict -x jquery.js,jquery.cookie.js,js_debug_toolbar.js -e jasmine_examples,HTMLPurifier/Printer -r app/Plugin/Questionnaires
4 files checked, no errors found.

PHP Documentor(phpdoc)

rm -Rf app/webroot/phpdoc/Questionnaires
/var/www/app/vendors/bin/phpdoc run -d app/Plugin/Questionnaires -t app/webroot/phpdoc/Questionnaires --force --ansi

phpdoc no error.

PHP UnitTest (phpunit)
rm -Rf app/webroot/coverage/Questionnaires
cp -pf app/Plugin/Questionnaires/phpunit.xml.dist ./Questionnaires-phpunit.xml.dist
sh app/Console/cake test Questionnaires AllQuestionnaires --coverage-html app/webroot/coverage/Questionnaires --stderr --configuration Questionnaires-phpunit.xml.dist

Welcome to CakePHP v2.7.8 Console
App : app
Path: /var/www/app/app/
CakePHP Test Shell
PHPUnit 3.7.38 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Configuration read from /var/www/app/Questionnaires-phpunit.xml.dist

................................................................. 65 / 96 ( 67%)

Time: 9.02 minutes, Memory: 161.75Mb

OK (96 tests, 196 assertions)

Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done
rm -f ./Questionnaires-phpunit.xml.dist

Coverage report

[MySQL coverage report]
php /var/www/MyShell/nc3PluginTest/parse_caverage.php Questionnaires Plugin_Questionnaires.html


Code Coverage for /var/www/app/app/Plugin/Questionnaires
| Code Coverage         | Lines                 | Functions and Methods | Classes and Traits     |
| Total                 | 21.46% (866/4036)     | 22.47% (40/178)       | 15.38% (6/39)          |
| Controller            | 27.30% (193/707)      | 14.00% (7/50)         | 18.18% (2/11)          |
| Model                 | 27.35% (424/1550)     | 24.53% (26/106)       | 13.04% (3/23)          |
| Utility               | 0.00% (0/18)          | 0.00% (0/2)           | 0.00% (0/1)            |
| View                  | 14.14% (249/1761)     | 35.00% (7/20)         | 25.00% (1/4)           |

PHP Documentor report


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