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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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module Cellular where
import System.Random
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
isWall False = '.'
isWall True = '#'
mapWithIndex :: (Enum a, Num a) => (a -> b -> c) -> [b] -> [c]
mapWithIndex f xs = zipWith f [0..] xs
iterateGrid grid = mapWithIndex (\y row -> mapWithIndex (\x column -> nextTileIteration (x,y) grid ) row) grid
width = 80
height = 25
sequenceToString :: [Bool] -> String
sequenceToString sequence = map isWall sequence
nextTileIteration (x,y) grid = isWall ( becomeWall ( countWall ( get3x3 (x,y) grid ) ) )
countWall block3x3 = foldl (\acc c -> if c == '#' then acc + 1 else acc) 0 block3x3
becomeWall wallCount | wallCount >= 5 = True
| otherwise = False
infix 9 !?
xs !? n | n < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = listToMaybe (drop n xs)
fallbackLookup index fallback xs = fromMaybe fallback $ xs !? index
queryGrid :: (Int,Int) -> [String] -> Char
queryGrid (x,y) grid = fallbackLookup x '#' (fallbackLookup y (take width $ repeat '#') grid)
neighbors :: (Int,Int) -> [String] -> String
neighbors (x,y) grid = queryGrid (x + 1, y) grid :
queryGrid (x, y + 1) grid :
queryGrid (x + 1, y + 1) grid :
queryGrid (x - 1, y - 1) grid :
queryGrid (x + 1, y - 1) grid :
queryGrid (x - 1, y + 1) grid :
queryGrid (x, y - 1) grid :
queryGrid (x - 1, y) grid :
-- Get the given tile's value along with its neighbors' values
get3x3 (x,y) grid = (queryGrid (x,y) grid) : neighbors (x,y) grid
-- Given a StdGen, generate a random grid
generateGrid g = do
let sequence = randomRs (True, False) g
let mapSequence = sequenceToString sequence
makeRect mapSequence
-- Given a list of lists (i.e. a grid) print each list as a line
printGrid = mapM_ putStrLn
-- Given a sequence of characters turn it into a grid of width * height
makeRect randomSequence = chunksOf width $ take (width * height) randomSequence
main = do
g <- newStdGen
let grid = generateGrid g
printGrid $ (iterate iterateGrid grid) !! 4
module CellularTest where
import Test.HUnit
import Cellular hiding (main)
startingMap :: [String]
startingMap = [".#.#..#..###.#.#...##.#..#.##..######.#.##.##.#.#.#..##....#.....##..####....#.#",
thirdIteration :: [String]
thirdIteration = ["#######################################################...######################",
testIteration = TestCase $ assertEqual "iterate map" ((iterate iterateGrid startingMap) !! 4) thirdIteration
main = runTestTT $ TestList [testIteration]
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