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class Solution {
ListNode* reverseKGroup(ListNode* head, int k) {
return (k == 1)? head : Iterative(head, k);
ListNode* Recursive(ListNode* head, int k) {
if(ListNode* tail = next(head, k-1); !tail){
return head;
reverseRange(head, tail);
// now `tail` points to the new head
// `head` points to the new tail
head->next = Recursive(head->next, k);
return tail;
ListNode* Iterative(ListNode* head, int k) {
ListNode* p1 = head;
ListNode* p2 = next(head, k-1);
ListNode* newhead = nullptr;
ListNode** prelink = &newhead;
// 1st iter : Set newhead to p2
// otherwise : Connect the previous section with this one
*prelink = reverseRange(p1, p2);
// now p1 points to the new tail, and p2 points to the new head
// Points to the `next` of the tail of this section
prelink = &p1->next;
// Next section starts from the next of the tail
p1 = p1->next;
// Next section ends at the k-1th node after its head
p2 = next(p1, k-1);
return newhead;
// Reverse a closed interval [a, b]
ListNode* reverseRange(ListNode* a, ListNode* b){
ListNode* pre = b->next, // Points `pre` to the node that `now` should connet to
* now = a;
for(ListNode* nxt = now->next; nxt != b->next; nxt = nxt->next){
now->next = pre;
pre = exchange(now, nxt);
now->next = pre;
return now;
// Get the nth next node, stop if null
ListNode* next(ListNode* n, size_t k) {
for(size_t i = 0; n && i < k; ++i)
n = n->next;
return n;
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