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Last active April 13, 2021 16:42
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Save akanieski/d1944c12070f274792327738d5e2620b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script used to find secrets in public gists and cross-reference them against GitHub and Azure DevOps
Written by Andrew Kanieski under the GNU GPLv3 license found at
Given a list of GitHub users to scan, this script will pull all their public
gists and search them for suspicious strings that look like Azure DevOps or GitHub
personal access tokens. If found it will cross reference them against GitHub and/or
a list of provided Azure DevOps organizations.
A CSV delimited list of GitHub users that will be used to drive the resulting
report. An example of the file format can be found below:
"akanieski", "Andrew Kanieski", ""
A CSV delimited result of the scan operation with the following format:
"AzureDevOps","","akanieski","","Andrew Kanieski",""
.PARAMETER GithubUsername [Optional]
Github username used to access the GitHub API to pull gists. Providing this will
allow for a higher volume of requests to be made through the GitHub REST API.
.PARAMETER GithubToken [Optional]
Github personal access token used to access the GitHub API to pull gists. Providing
this will allow for a higher volume of requests to be made through the GitHub REST
.PARAMETER AzureDevOpsUrls
A comma-seperated list of strings in the form of Azure DevOps organization or
collection urls. This should support Azure DevOps Services as well as Server.
param (
[string]$InputFile = "",
[string]$GithubUsername = "",
[string]$GithubToken = "",
[string]$OutputFile = "",
[string[]]$AzureDevOpsUrls = [string[]]@(),
function Test-AzureDevOpsToken {
param (
$encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":" + $suspectedToken))
$result = try {
(Invoke-WebRequest -uri ($orgUrl + "/_apis/projects") -UseBasicParsing -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic " + $encoded}).BaseResponse
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
Write-Verbose "An exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)"
if ([int]$result.StatusCode -eq 200) {
return $true;
return $false;
function Test-GithubToken {
param (
$encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("user:" + $suspectedToken))
$result = try { (Invoke-WebRequest -uri "" `
-Headers @{Authorization = "Basic " + $encoded} `
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
Write-Verbose "An exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)"
if ([int]$result.StatusCode -eq 200) {
return $true;
return $false;
$mappedUsers = Import-Csv -LiteralPath $InputFile
if ($GithubUsername -ne "" -and $GithubToken -ne "") {
$encodedToken = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($GithubUsername + ":" + $GithubToken))
$github_credentials = @{Authorization = "Basic " + $encodedToken}
} else {
$github_credentials = @{}
Write-Verbose $github_credentials
$compromised = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new()
$total_gists = 0
$github_calls = 0
foreach ($map in $mappedUsers) {
Write-Host "Scanning gists for [$($map.FullName)].."
$github_calls += 1
$gists = (Invoke-RestMethod `
-Headers $github_credentials `
-Uri "$($map.GitHubUsername)/gists" `
Write-Verbose "Found $($gists.Count) gists for [$($map.FullName)]!"
foreach ($gist in $gists) {
$github_calls += 1
$rawContent = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $gist.url `
-Headers $github_credentials `
-UseBasicParsing `
foreach ($file in $rawContent.files.psobject.Members `
| where-object membertype -like 'noteproperty' `
| Select-Object -Property "Name") {
$fileContent = $rawContent.files | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $file.Name
Write-Host "Scanning [$($file.Name)] .."
# Azure DevOps PATs
$matches = [regex]::Matches($fileContent.content, "[a-z0-9]{52}")
if ($AzureDevOpsUrls.Count -gt 0 -and $matches.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Found $($matches.Count) suspected Azure DevOps tokens.."
$type = "AzureDevOps"
foreach ($suspectedToken in $Matches) {
$CompromisedApi = "Unknown"
foreach ($org in $AzureDevOpsUrls) {
Write-Host "Cross referencing against Azure DevOps [$org]"
if ($true -eq (Test-AzureDevOpsToken -SuspectedToken $suspectedToken.Value -OrgUrl $org)) {
$CompromisedApi = $org
Write-Host "Confirmed valid token - Added to report output"
if (!$StrictMode -or $CompromisedApi -ne "Unknown") {
$row = [PsCustomObject]@{
TokenType = $type
GistUrl = $rawContent.url
GithubUsername = $map.GitHubUsername
Email = $map.Email
FullName = $map.FullName
CompromisedApi = $CompromisedApi
$compromised += $row
# GitHub PATs
$matches = [regex]::Matches($fileContent.content, "ghp_[a-zA-Z0-9]{36}")
if ($matches.Count -gt 0) {
$type = "Github"
foreach ($suspectedToken in $Matches) {
$CompromisedApi = "Unknown"
Write-Host "Found $($matches.Count) suspected GitHub tokens.."
if ($true -eq (Test-GithubToken -SuspectedToken $suspectedToken.Value )) {
$CompromisedApi = ""
Write-Host "Confirmed valid token - Added to report output"
if (!$StrictMode -or $CompromisedApi -ne "Unknown") {
$row = [PsCustomObject]@{
TokenType = $type
GistUrl = $rawContent.url
GithubUsername = $map.GitHubUsername
Email = $map.Email
FullName = $map.FullName
CompromisedApi = $CompromisedApi
$compromised += $row
$total_gists += 1
Write-Host Done!
$compromised | Export-Csv -LiteralPath $OutputFile -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "Final Report " -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "---------------------------------"
Write-Host " Report Parameters" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host " -------------------------------"
Write-Host " Total Github Users ...... $(([array]$mappedUsers).Count.ToString().PadLeft(4,' '))"
Write-Host " Total Gists Scanned ..... $($total_gists.ToString().PadLeft(4,' '))"
Write-Host " Github API calls ........ $($github_calls.ToString().PadLeft(4,' '))"
Write-Host " Azure DevOps Orgs ....... $($AzureDevOpsUrls.Count.ToString().PadLeft(4,' '))"
Write-Host " -------------------------------"
Write-Host " Suspected Secrets" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host " -------------------------------"
Write-Host " Azure DevOps Secrets ... $(([array]($compromised | where CompromisedApi -eq "Unknown" | where TokenType -eq "AzureDevOps")).Count.ToString().PadLeft(4,' '))"
Write-Host " GitHub Secrets ......... $(([array]($compromised | where CompromisedApi -eq "Unknown" | where TokenType -eq "Github")).Count.ToString().PadLeft(4,' '))"
Write-Host " -------------------------------"
Write-Host " Total $(([array]($compromised | where CompromisedApi -eq "Unknown")).Count.ToString().PadLeft(4,' '))" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host " Confirmed Secrets " -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host " -------------------------------"
Write-Host " Azure DevOps Secrets ... $(([array]($compromised | where CompromisedApi -ne "Unknown" | where TokenType -eq "AzureDevOps")).Count.ToString().PadLeft(4,' '))"
Write-Host " GitHub Secrets ......... $(([array]($compromised | where CompromisedApi -ne "Unknown" | where TokenType -eq "Github")).Count.ToString().PadLeft(4,' '))"
Write-Host " -------------------------------"
Write-Host " Total $(([array]($compromised | where CompromisedApi -ne "Unknown")).Count.ToString().PadLeft(4,' '))" -ForegroundColor Magenta
GitHubUsername FullName Email
akanieski Andrew Kanieski
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