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Last active November 21, 2019 08:34
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install pip for python2 and 3

For operation systems: Ubuntu, Debian, and MacOS. In windows the pip and virtualenv commands should be the same once python is installed somewhere.

Install pip, virtualenv, and python module in virtualenv


Use python module psutil as example.

> sudo apt update
> sudo apt install python-pip virtualenv
> /usr/bin/virtualenv ~/venv  # create virtualenv in ~/venv
> source ~/venv/bin/activate  # enter venv
(venv) > pip install psutil  # install python module in venv

Need to enter venv (source ~/venv/bin/activate) in order to run python scripts which use the module psutil. If don't want to manually activate there are two ways:

  1. Add the following line to ~/.bashrc (bash) or ~/.zshrc (zsh)
    • source ~/venv/bin/activate
  2. Install psutil globally (for the user) without using virtualenv:
    • > /user/bin/pip install psutil --user

Personally I prefer NOT to install globally for the user (exceptions: pylint/pyflakes). Sometimes, for some reason, there are multiple python in $PATH and it's confusing which python/pip and $PYTHONPATH is using (in my mac for example, I mainly use python2/3 from miniconda, but there are also python from macports due to dependencies and python from MacOS).


In mac, install pip via or anaconda/miniconda or macports or homebrew or the python installer from (pip included). Apart from, all other methods also install a python binary somewhere.

Then install virtualenv via pip (or use conda/port/brew if install python and pip via these package managers).

For example (in mac, use, install pip, virtualenv, create virtualenv venv, and in venv install python module psutil):

> curl -o
> /usr/bin/python --user  # make sure using the python2.7 in MacOS
# now pip is in ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin
> ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin/pip install virtualenv --user
> ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin/virtualenv ~/venv
> source ~/venv/bin/activate
(venv) > pip install psutil  # install psutil in venv; note that pip is also from the virtualenv

One can add ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin into $PATH. I prefer not to do so. Once enter venv there are already python and pip in $PATH, so unless you need to install python modules globally (for the user) or using the virtualenv command frequently, there's probably no need to update $PATH.

Also see above Debian/Ubuntu section in how to enter venv automatically or install the module globally for the user so that there's no need to source ~/venv/bin/activate every time.

usage of virtualenv

  • enter venv: ~/venv/bin/activate
  • leave venv: deactivate

remove the venv: rm -rf ~/venv

python3 virtualenv

To create a python3 virtualenv in Ubuntu/Debian:

> sudo apt install python3-pip
> /usr/bin/python3 -mvenv ~/py36env
> source ~/py36venv/bin/activate

In mac if there's already a python3 somewhere (here use python3 installed by macports as example):

> /opt/local/bin/python3.7 -mvenv ~/venv37
> source ~/venv37/bin/activate

note about anaconda/miniconda

anaconda/miniconda are probably more for scientific computing in python. minoconda is the lighter version of anaconda. They come with a package manager conda. They have their own commands to manage environments, please refer to their documents. After create virtual environments, one can use their conda and/or pip to install python modules.

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