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akasakakona / YouTube-DL_Batch_Script.bat
Last active May 21, 2023 07:41
A batch script written for those who are not comfortable with command lines when downloading YouTube videos.
@echo off
echo Checking for update...
if exist youtube-dl.exe ( goto :computeSum ) else (
echo It seems like you don't have youtube-dl on your computer.
goto :download
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /a counter = 0
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('CertUtil -hashfile .\youtube-dl.exe SHA256') DO (
akasakakona /
Last active July 9, 2023 07:00
Witch From Mercury DNA Cipher Encode/Decode C++ Implementation

Witch From Mercury DNA Cipher Encode/Decode C++ Implementation

Simple Explanation of the DNA Cipher

  1. Each character is expressed by a 3-letter codon.
  2. Each codon is expressed by a 3-digit number in base 4. A is 0, C is 1, G is 2, T is 3.
    • Example: ACG = 0*4^2 + 1*4^1 + 2*4^0 = 6, which represents the 7th letter of the alphabet, G. (since we start from 0)
  3. Lower case letters are expressed by the numbers 0-25, upper case letters are expressed by the numbers 37-62. So lower case start with AAA and upper case start with GCC.
  4. The numbers 26-30 represent the characters ' ', '.', ',', '!', and '?' respectively.
  5. The numbers 31-36 are not used, so are numbers greater than 62.