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Last active April 13, 2024 02:11
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;; org-traverse - set of hacks to enable linking between headlines using org links -
;; Variable list
;;; org-traverse-hashtable : the hashtable in memory that stores information about headlines and their position
;;; org-traverse-cache-directory : the directory in the filesystem to cache
;;; org-traverse-cache-directory-exclude : directory names within the cache-dir to exclude
;; Functions
;; Intended for user
;;; org-traverse-goto : navigate to a headline within the cache
;;; org-traverse-insert : insert an org link to a headline
;;; org-traverse-extract : populate the hashtable with entries, redundant if mode is active
;; Minor Mode
;; org-traverse-mode : hooks onto after-save-hook and runs `org-traverse-mode--backend' to refresh entries upon save
;; on two conditions: a. it is an org file indeed, and b. the file is part of the inclusions and exclusions defined by user
;; based on `org-traverse-cache-directory' and `org-traverse-cache-directory-exclude'.
;; variables
(defvar org-traverse-hashtable (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"Hash table containing headlines (keys),
their corresponding positions within the file, and the file names.
A Hash table is a list-like structure containing pairs: Keys and Value.
The Key is the Headline name itself.
The Value in this case is a list containing two pairs, Pos. and Filename.")
(defvar org-traverse-cache-directory org-roam-directory
"Directory to cache Org files for headline extraction.")
(defvar org-traverse-cache-directory-exclude '()
"Name of directories to exclude from headline extraction.
Subdirectories will be excluded too.")
;; user functions
(defun org-traverse-goto ()
"Navigate to the position of a headline selected from the org-traverse-hashtable."
(let ((headline (completing-read "Choose headline: " (hash-table-keys org-traverse-hashtable) nil t)))
(when headline
(let ((position (gethash headline org-traverse-hashtable)))
(if position
(find-file-other-window (cadr position))
(goto-char (car position))
(message "Navigated to %s in %s" headline (cadr position)))
(message "Headline '%s' not found in hash table" headline))))))
(defun org-traverse-insert ()
"Create an Org link to a headline selected from the org-traverse-hashtable and insert it into the current buffer."
(let ((current-buffer (current-buffer))
(headline (completing-read "Choose headline: " (hash-table-keys org-traverse-hashtable) nil t)))
(when headline
(let ((position (gethash headline org-traverse-hashtable)))
(if position
(let* ((org-file (cadr position))
(org-buffer (find-file-noselect org-file)))
(with-current-buffer org-buffer
(goto-char (car position))
(let* ((headline-text (org-get-heading t t t t))
(id (org-id-get-create)))
(switch-to-buffer current-buffer)
(insert (format "[[id:%s][%s]]" id headline-text))
(message "Inserted Org link to headline '%s' with ID '%s' in current buffer" headline-text id)))))
(message "Headline '%s' not found in hash table" headline))))))
(defun org-traverse-extract (&optional clear-cache debug)
"Recursively extract headlines from all Org files in the cache directory, excluding directories specified in `org-traverse-cache-directory-exclude`."
(interactive "P\nP")
(when clear-cache
(let ((files-to-process (org-traverse-filter))) ; refer to abyss below
(dolist (file files-to-process)
(when debug
(message "Processing file: %s" file))
(org-traverse-extract--backend file))))
;; Minor Mode
;; Define a function to update the hash table upon saving a buffer
(defun org-traverse-mode--backend ()
"Update the hash table upon saving the current buffer."
(when (and (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
(let ((org-file (buffer-file-name)))
(when org-file
(when (org-traverse-filterp org-file)
(org-traverse-remove org-file)
(org-traverse-extract--backend org-file))))))
;; Define a global minor mode
(define-minor-mode org-traverse-mode
"Global minor mode to automatically update the hash table upon saving Org files."
:global t
:init-value nil
:lighter " 0/rHT"
(if org-traverse-mode
;; Set up after-save hook to update the hash table
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'org-traverse-mode--backend)
;; Refresh the hash table
(org-traverse-extract t nil))
;; Remove hook if mode is deactivated
(remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'org-traverse-mode--backend)))
;; underlying functions
(defun org-traverse-extract--backend (org-file &optional clear-cache debug)
"Extract and store all headlines from ORG-FILE in org-traverse-hashtable.
If CLEAR-CACHE is non-nil, clear the existing cache before extraction.
If DEBUG is non-nil, display a message after populating the hash table."
(interactive "fEnter Org file: \nP")
(when clear-cache
(org-traverse-cache-empty)) ; reset the cache when requested
(insert-file-contents org-file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "^\\*+\\s-+\\(.*?\\)$" nil t)
(let ((headline (match-string 1)))
(puthash headline (list (line-beginning-position) org-file) org-traverse-hashtable))))
(when debug
(message "Populated hashtable with contents from %s" org-file)))
(defun org-traverse-remove (org-file &optional debug)
"Delete all keys associated with the specified Org file from the org-traverse-hashtable."
(interactive "fEnter Org file: ")
(let ((keys-to-delete '()))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(let ((file-path (cadr value)))
(when (file-equal-p (expand-file-name file-path) (expand-file-name org-file))
(push key keys-to-delete))))
(dolist (key keys-to-delete)
(remhash key org-traverse-hashtable)))
(when debug
(message "Deleted keys associated with %s from the hash table." org-file)))
;; helper functions
(defun org-traverse-filter (&optional debug)
"Return a list of files in the cache directory excluding directories listed in `org-traverse-cache-directory-exclude` and their subdirectories.
When DEBUG is non-nil print verbose output."
(let ((exclude-dirs org-traverse-cache-directory-exclude)
(cache-directory org-traverse-cache-directory)
(filtered-files '()))
(let ((excluded-dirs (mapcar (lambda (dir)
(file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name dir cache-directory)))
(dolist (file (directory-files-recursively cache-directory "\\.org$"))
(let ((file-directory (file-name-directory file)))
(if (or (string-prefix-p "." (file-name-nondirectory file))
(cl-some (lambda (excluded-dir)
(string-prefix-p excluded-dir file-directory))
(when debug
(message "Filtered out file: %s (Excluded directory)" file))
(when debug
(message "Keeping file: %s" file))
(push file filtered-files)))))
(nreverse filtered-files))))
(defun org-traverse-filterp (org-file &optional debug)
"Check if ORG-FILE is a member of the filtered org files in the cache directory."
(let* ((filtered-files (org-traverse-filter))
(org-file-abs (expand-file-name org-file))) ; Get the absolute path
(when debug
(message "Filtered files: %s" filtered-files))
(if (member org-file-abs filtered-files)
(defun org-traverse-cache-empty ()
(setq org-traverse-hashtable (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
;; debug
(defun org-traverse-list-entries ()
"Read and display all key-value pairs in the org-traverse-hashtable."
(message "Contents of org-headlines-hash-table:")
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(message "[%s] (%s %s)" key (car value) (cadr value)))
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  • Fixed minor typographic errors in documentation.

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