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Created June 6, 2024 22:13
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Demonstrate mapping face centers from an external source to the cells of an unstructured grid.
Demonstrate mapping face centers from an external source to the cells of an unstructured grid.
- Points from the external source are close to the centers of the faces of the
extracted surface
from pykdtree.kdtree import KDTree
import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np
def make_ugrid(density=30):
"""Construct an unstructured grid from a structured grid."""
s = 1 / (density - 1)
ugrid = pv.ImageData(
dimensions=(density, density, density), spacing=(s, s, s)
ugrid.points = ugrid.points.astype(np.float64)
# uniform grids generate voxels and we need hexahedrons cells
ugrid.celltypes[:] = pv.CellType.HEXAHEDRON
ccon = ugrid.cell_connectivity.reshape(-1, 8)
ccon[:, 7], ccon[:, 6] = ccon[:, 6], ccon[:, 7].copy()
ccon[:, 3], ccon[:, 2] = ccon[:, 2], ccon[:, 3].copy()
return ugrid
ugrid = make_ugrid()
surf = ugrid.extract_surface()
# apply a fiticious boundry condition for each "face" in our extracted surface
bc = np.zeros((surf.n_cells, 3))
mask = surf.cell_centers().points[:, 2] == 0
bc[mask, 2] = 1
surf.cell_data["bc"] = bc
# for each cell in the grid
face_to_cell = surf["vtkOriginalCellIds"]
bc_grid = np.zeros((ugrid.n_cells, 3))
bc_grid[face_to_cell] = bc
# Generate simulated face centers from an external source
ccent = surf.cell_centers().points
ccent += np.random.random(ccent.shape) * 1e-4 - 5e-4
np.random.shuffle(ccent) # inplace
external_data = np.random.random(ccent.shape)
pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_title("Show external points overlapping the unstructured grid")
pl.add_points(ccent, point_size=10, color="r", render_points_as_spheres=True)
pl.add_mesh(ugrid, color="w")
# get nearest point of our surf for each point from the external data
kd_tree = KDTree(surf.cell_centers().points)
dist, ind = kd_tree.query(ccent, k=1)
# You now have a map between the external points to our surface. If you had
# data associated with each point of the external surface points (for example,
# `external_data`), you would then:
surf.cell_data["external_data"] = external_data[ind]
# if you needed this data mapped back to `ugrid` cells, then:
# create a zeroed array (because each cell won't have a surface face)
ext_ugrid_data = np.zeros((ugrid.n_cells, 3))
ext_ugrid_data[face_to_cell] = surf.cell_data["external_data"]
ugrid["external_data"] = ext_ugrid_data
# now, each cell of ugrid contains the external data, though note that some
# information will be lost since each cell will contain multiple faces
from pykdtree.kdtree import KDTree
import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np
ugrid = make_ugrid()
# goal: identify correspondence between external surface data and a cells within ugrid
# Generate simulated face centers from an external source
surf = ugrid.extract_surface()
ccent = surf.cell_centers().points
ccent += np.random.random(ccent.shape) * 1e-3 - 5e-4
np.random.shuffle(ccent) # inplace
kd_tree = KDTree(ugrid.cell_centers().points)
dist, ind = kd_tree.query(ccent, k=1)
# For fun: each ind now corresponds to a cell center in ugrid
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