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Created September 27, 2011 03:46
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rubinius 2.0.0dev (1.8.7 c8a4b1ee yyyy-mm-dd JI) [x86_64-apple-darwin11.1.0]
Listing specs tagged with 'fails' sends an exit message to linked Actors
Actor#notify_exited kills actors not trapping exits
Actor#notify_exited delivers a message to an actor trapping exits
Actor.spawn creates functioning actors
VMActor::Container#spawn_actor creates Actors on remote VMs
The -x command line option runs code after the first /#!.*ruby.*/-ish line in target file
Class#allocate raises TypeError for #superclass raises a SyntaxError when the block contains a retry statement
Fiber#resume executes the ensure clause
File.lchmod changes the file mode of the link and not of the file
IO#ioctl raises IOError on closed stream
IO#ungetc raises IOError when invoked on stream that was not yet read
Marshal::load for a Struct calls initialize on the unmarshaled struct
Marshal::load for a wrapped C pointer raises ArgumentError when the local class is a regular object
Module#freeze prevents further modifications to self with an associated block called on a subclass of Proc using a reified block parameter returns an instance of the subclass
Range#step given Float values and step returns float values of the form step * n + begin and never the end value if the range is exclusive
SystemExit#success? returns true when the status is 0
SystemExit#success? returns false when the status is not 0
Thread.critical= defers exit
Thread.critical= defers exit until Thread.pass
Thread#exit does not set $!
Thread#exit cannot be rescued
Thread#exit killing dying sleeping thread wakes up thread
Thread#kill does not set $!
Thread#kill cannot be rescued
Thread#kill killing dying sleeping thread wakes up thread
Thread#terminate does not set $!
Thread#terminate cannot be rescued
Thread#terminate killing dying sleeping thread wakes up thread
The BEGIN keyword runs in a new isolated scope
The BEGIN keyword runs first in a given code unit
The BEGIN keyword runs multiple begins in FIFO order
A block taking |a, b| arguments does not destructure a splatted Array
A block taking |a, *b| arguments does not destructure a splatted Array
An anonymous class forces named nested classes to be anonymous
An anonymous class never recalculates full name once no longer anonymous
The def keyword within a closure looks outside the closure for the visibility
The for expression repeats the loop from the beginning with 'retry'
The if expression with a boolean range ('flip-flop' operator) mimics an awk conditional with a single-element inclusive-end range
The if expression with a boolean range ('flip-flop' operator) mimics an awk conditional with a many-element inclusive-end range
The if expression with a boolean range ('flip-flop' operator) mimics a sed conditional with a zero-element exclusive-end range
The if expression with a boolean range ('flip-flop' operator) mimics a sed conditional with a many-element exclusive-end range
Predefined global $~ raises an error if assigned an object not nil or instanceof MatchData
Execution variable $: does not include '.' when the taint check level > 1
Global variable $-a is read-only
Global variable $-l is read-only
Global variable $-p is read-only
A Proc taking |*| arguments does not call #to_ary to convert a single passed object to an Array
A Proc taking |*a| arguments does not call #to_ary to convert a single passed object to an Array
A Proc taking |a, | arguments raises an ArgumentError when passed more than one value
Regexps with back-references will not clobber capture variables across threads
Regexp with character classes supports [[:alpha:][:digit:][:etc:]] (predefined character classes)
Regexps with grouping raise a SyntaxError when parentheses aren't balanced
Regexps with modifers does not do thread synchronization for /o
Regexps with modifers supports (?imx-imx) (inline modifiers)
Regexps with modifers supports (?imx-imx:expr) (scoped inline modifiers)
Literal Regexps throws SyntaxError for malformed literals
The return keyword in a Thread raises a ThreadError if used to exit a thread
The return keyword within a block raises a LocalJumpError if there is no lexicaly enclosing method
The throw keyword raises a ThreadError if used to exit a thread
Basic assignment supports the {|r,| } form of block assignment
BigDecimal#=== NaN is never equal to any number
BigDecimal#=== returns false when compared objects that can not be coerced into BigDecimal
BigDecimal#divmod Can be reversed with * and +
BigDecimal#eql? NaN is never equal to any number
BigDecimal#eql? returns false when compared objects that can not be coerced into BigDecimal
BigDecimal#== NaN is never equal to any number
BigDecimal#== returns false when compared objects that can not be coerced into BigDecimal
BigDecimal#> properly handles NaN values
BigDecimal#> raises an ArgumentError if the argument can't be coerced into a BigDecimal
BigDecimal#>= properly handles NaN values
BigDecimal#>= returns nil if the argument is nil
BigDecimal#< properly handles NaN values
BigDecimal#< raises an ArgumentError if the argument can't be coerced into a BigDecimal
BigDecimal#<= properly handles NaN values
BigDecimal#<= raises an ArgumentError if the argument can't be coerced into a BigDecimal
BigDecimal#to_i returns nil if BigDecimal is infinity or NaN
BigDecimal#to_int returns nil if BigDecimal is infinity or NaN
DelegateClass.instance_method returns a method object for protected instance methods of the delegated class
DelegateClass.instance_methods includes all protected methods of the delegated class
DelegateClass.protected_instance_methods includes the protected methods of the delegated class
Delegator#eql? is delegated
Delegator when frozen is not writeable
Delegator#hash is delegated
SimpleDelegator can be marshalled with its instance variables intact
Delegator#protected_methods includes protected methods of the delegate object
Delegator#taint taints the delegated object
Iconv.charset_map acts as a map
Iconv.charset_map returns nil when given an unknown encoding name
Integer#prime_division Performs a prime factorization of a negative integer
Matrix.I for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#clone for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#collect for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix.columns for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix.[] for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#/ for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix.identity for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#inspect for a subclass of Matrix returns a string using the subclass' name
Matrix#inv for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#inverse for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#map for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#minor for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#- for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#* for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#+ for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#transpose for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix#transpose for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Matrix.unit for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass for a subclass of Matrix returns an instance of that subclass
Mutex#lock raises a ThreadError when used recursively
Mutex#locked? returns the status of the lock
Mutex#try_lock returns false if lock can not be aquired immediately
Net::HTTPHeader#canonical_each when passed no block returns an Enumerator
Net::HTTPHeader#content_range returns a Range object that represents the 'Content-Range' header entry
Net::HTTPHeader#content_type= when passed type, params sets the 'Content-Type' header entry based on the passed type and params
Net::HTTPHeader#each_capitalized_name when passed no block returns an Enumerator
Net::HTTPHeader#each_capitalized when passed no block returns an Enumerator
Net::HTTPHeader#each_header when passed no block returns an Enumerator
Net::HTTPHeader#each when passed no block returns an Enumerator
Net::HTTPHeader#each_value when passed no block returns an Enumerator
Net::HTTPHeader#fetch when passed key, default returns the default value when there is no entry for the passed key
Net::HTTPHeader#fetch when passed key and block yieldsand returns the block's return value when there is no entry for the passed key
Net::HTTPHeader#set_content_type when passed type, params sets the 'Content-Type' header entry based on the passed type and params
OpenSSL::Config#freeze freezes
ParseDate.parsedate returns Array with year and month set, given a String like nn-nn
REXML::Attributes#to_a returns an array with the attributes
REXML::Document#add overwrites existing DocType
REXML::Document#<< overwrites existing DocType
REXML::Document#write returns document with transitive support
REXML::Element#delete_element deletes Element and returns it
Singleton._instantiate? returns nil until it is instantiated
Socket.for_fd given a file descriptor adopts that descriptor into a new Socket object
Socket#gethostbyname returns broadcast address info for '<broadcast>'
Socket#gethostbyname returns broadcast address info for '<any>'
StringIO#initialize_copy makes both StringIO objects to share position, eof status
URI.join accepts URI objects
URI.join accepts string-like arguments with to_str
URI#merge accepts a string-like argument
URI#route_from accepts a string-like argument
URI#route_to accepts a string-like argument
GzipReader#each_byte calls the given block for each byte in the stream, passing the byte as an argument
GzipReader#each_byte increments position before calling the block
GzipReader#getc returns the next byte from the stream
GzipReader#getc increments position
GzipReader#getc returns nil at the end of the stream
GzipReader#read at the end of data returns nil if length prameter is positive
GzipReader#rewind resets the position of the stream pointer
GzipReader#rewind resets the position of the stream pointer to data previously read
GzipReader#rewind invokes seek method on the associated IO object
Zlib::Inflate#<< just passes through the data after nil argument
Zlib::Inflate#<< properly handles excessive data, byte-by-byte
Zlib::Inflate#<< properly handles excessive data, in one go
Zlib::Inflate#inflate works in pass-through mode, once finished
Zlib::Inflate::inflate properly handles excessive data, byte-by-byte
Zlib::Inflate::inflate properly handles excessive data, in one go
CApiGlobalSpecs rb_define_readonly_variable should define a new readonly global variable
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