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Created October 10, 2018 07:11
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WIP Nix expression for Go REPL
self: super:
lgo_ = { stdenv, fetchgit, myGoPackage, makeWrapper,
golang-runewidth, golang-zmq4, golang-liner, golang-sys, golang-glog }:
myGoPackage rec {
name = "";
goPackagePath = "";
src = fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "f57058f86ecf6d08fffc1d3cf6fecdf391ce7e02";
sha256 = "1dgq1nra2qdvgr1wjrn09b3q9klnhf6dv9zpdwai1mklc96z3qk6";
buildInputs = [ makeWrapper
golang-runewidth golang-zmq4 golang-liner golang-sys golang-glog ];
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram $bin/bin/lgo \
--prefix PATH : "$PATH" \
--prefix GOPATH : $lib:${
builtins.concatStringsSep ":"
(map (x: x.lib)
(builtins.filter (x: x ? goPackagePath)
sys_ = { stdenv, go, fetchgit, myGoPackage }: myGoPackage {
name = "";
goPackagePath = "";
src = fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "4497e2df6f9e69048a54498c7affbbec3294ad47";
sha256 = "028qmbfmy84pl7wmjgvrv1x7x7nzv3qr9w7vcnrcparr43k7415s";
zmq4_ = { stdenv, go, fetchgit, myGoPackage, czmq, pkgconfig }: myGoPackage {
name = "";
goPackagePath = "";
subPackages = [ "." ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ czmq pkgconfig ];
src = fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "3515f4e6f439e167f92f2b99a9497cf5ea8e3cea";
sha256 = "12k5272f1axx93hf9nj2ni4xhcjwg7g9l2rfw4kg4zwknx40mzbw";
liner_ = { stdenv, go, fetchgit, myGoPackage, golang-runewidth }: myGoPackage {
name = "";
goPackagePath = "";
buildInputs = [ golang-runewidth ];
src = fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "5a0dfa99e2aa1d433a9642e863da51402e609376";
sha256 = "14rww75fn33mb3w87gd547gv7zr3klvgzxcpbaxd6vjls18wh831";
runewidth_ = { stdenv, go, fetchgit, myGoPackage }: myGoPackage {
name = "";
goPackagePath = "";
src = fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "ce7b0b5c7b45a81508558cd1dba6bb1e4ddb51bb";
sha256 = "0lc39b6xrxv7h3v3y1kgz49cgi5qxwlygs715aam6ba35m48yi7g";
glog_ = { stdenv, fetchgit, myGoPackage }: myGoPackage {
name = "";
goPackagePath = "";
src = fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "23def4e6c14b4da8ac2ed8007337bc5eb5007998";
sha256 = "0jb2834rw5sykfr937fxi8hxi2zy80sj2bdn9b3jb4b26ksqng30";
myGoPackage_ = { stdenv, go }:
{ goPackagePath, src, name, buildInputs ? [], ... } @ args: stdenv.mkDerivation ( args // {
inherit name goPackagePath src;
buildInputs = [ go ] ++ buildInputs;
configurePhase = ''
runHook preConfigure
export GOPATH=${
builtins.concatStringsSep ":"
(map (x: x.lib)
(builtins.filter (x: x ? goPackagePath)
mkdir -p "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/src/$(dirname "$goPackagePath")"
cp -r . "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/src/$goPackagePath"
runHook postConfigure
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
cd "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/src/$goPackagePath"
go install -v ${
builtins.concatStringsSep " "
(map (x: "${goPackagePath}/${x}")
(args.subPackages or [ "..." ]))
runHook postBuild
# TODO: checkPhase
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $bin
[ -e "$dir" ] && cp -r $dir $bin
mkdir -p $lib
[ -e "$dir" ] && cp -r $dir $lib \
&& cp -r "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/src" $lib
runHook postInstall
# What's the importance of "out" for propagatedBuildInputs ?
outputs = [ "bin" "lib" "out" ];
} );
in {
lgo = self.callPackage lgo_ {};
golang-sys = self.callPackage sys_ {};
golang-zmq4 = self.callPackage zmq4_ {};
golang-liner = self.callPackage liner_ {};
golang-runewidth = self.callPackage runewidth_ {};
golang-glog = self.callPackage glog_ {};
myGoPackage = self.callPackage myGoPackage_ {};
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