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Last active October 25, 2023 12:21
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Some naive virtual actors implementation for Swift Distributed Actors
import Distributed
import DistributedCluster
typealias DefaultDistributedActorSystem = ClusterSystem
/// Naive implementation of Virtual Actors
/// **Don't overuse it**: this pattern should be used on purpose, e.g. when you have number of dynamic *transparent* actors with some id.
/// If you have limited, already defined set of actors—just create and reference them in a seperate node.
/// - **VirtualActor**—any distributed actor to work with,
/// - **ID**—external id of this actor (**NOT ClusterSystem.ActorID**),
/// - **Dependency**—some external dependencies (struct or distributed actor) to initialise an actor.
/// ```swift
/// // Some hypothetical Node 1
/// let exampleNode1 = VirtualNode<Example, String>(actorSystem: node1)
/// // Some hypothetical Node 2
/// let exampleNode2 = VirtualNode<Example, String>(actorSystem: node2)
/// // Main node
/// let factory = VirtualActorFactory<Example, String, SomeDependency>(actorSystem: main) { actorSystem, id, dependencies in
/// return Example(actorSystem: actorSystem, dependencies)
/// }
/// // This actor is created when referenced and location transparent.
/// let actor = try await factory.get(id: "first_example", dependency: SomeDependency())
/// ```
/// - TODO:
/// - Add consistent hashing
/// - Automatic actor cleaning
/// - Improve spawning and dependency handling? 🤔
distributed public actor VirtualActorFactory<VirtualActor, ID, Dependency>: LifecycleWatch
where VirtualActor: DistributedActor & Codable,
ID: Hashable & Codable,
Dependency: Codable {
public enum Error: Swift.Error {
case noNodesAvailable
private lazy var virtualNodes: Set<VirtualNode<VirtualActor, ID>> = .init()
private var listeningTask: Task<Void, Never>?
// How actors are spawned should be defined by VirtualActorFactory owner atm
private let spawn: (ActorSystem, ID, Dependency?) async throws -> VirtualActor
public func terminated(actor id: ActorID) async {
guard let virtualNode = self.virtualNodes.first(where: { $ == id }) else { return }
private func findVirtualNodes() {
guard self.listeningTask == nil else {"Already looking for nodes")
self.listeningTask = Task {
for await virtualNode in await actorSystem.receptionist.listing(of: VirtualNode<VirtualActor, ID>.nodes) {
self.watchTermination(of: virtualNode)
/// - Parameters:
/// - id—external (not system) id of an actor.
/// - dependency—only needed when spawning an actor.
distributed public func get(id: ID, dependency: Dependency? = .none) async throws -> VirtualActor {
for virtualNode in virtualNodes {
if let actor = try? await virtualNode.find(id: id) {
return actor
guard let node = virtualNodes.randomElement() else {
// There should be always a node (at least local node), if not—something sus
throw Error.noNodesAvailable
let actor = try await self.spawn(node.actorSystem, id, dependency)
try await node.register(actor: actor, with: id)
return actor
/// Actors should be cleaned automatically, but for now unfortunately manual cleaning.
distributed public func closeActor(for id: ID) async {
for node in virtualNodes {
try? await node.close(with: id)
/// - Parameters:
/// - spawn—definining how an actor should be created.
/// Local node is created while initialising a factory.
public init(
actorSystem: ClusterSystem,
spawn: @escaping (ActorSystem, ID, Dependency?) async throws -> VirtualActor
) async {
self.actorSystem = actorSystem
self.spawn = spawn
/// At least local node should be available for transparency
let localNode = await VirtualNode<VirtualActor, ID>(actorSystem: actorSystem)
distributed public actor VirtualNode<VirtualActor, ID>
where VirtualActor: DistributedActor & Codable,
ID: Hashable & Codable {
public enum Error: Swift.Error {
case noActorAvailable
private lazy var subactors: [ID: VirtualActor] = [:]
distributed fileprivate func register(actor: VirtualActor, with id: ID) {
self.subactors[id] = actor
distributed public func find(id: ID) async throws -> VirtualActor {
guard let room = self.subactors[id] else {
throw Error.noActorAvailable
return room
distributed public func close(
with id: ID
) async {
self.subactors.removeValue(forKey: id)
public init(
actorSystem: ClusterSystem
) async {
self.actorSystem = actorSystem
await actorSystem
.checkIn(self, with: Self.nodes)
extension VirtualNode {
static var nodes: DistributedReception.Key<VirtualNode<VirtualActor, ID>> { "virtual_nodes_\(Self.self)" }
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