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Last active December 10, 2015 20:08
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<joystick id="0">
<axis number="0" low="Left" high="Right" />
<axis number="1" low="Up" high="Down" />
<button number="0" key="SN2" />
<button number="1" key="SN1" />
<button number="2" key="HC1" />
<button number="3" key="HC2" />
<button number="4" key="HC3" />
<button number="5" key="HHC1" />
<button number="6" key="HHC2" />
<button number="7" key="HHO1" />
<button number="9" key="HHO2" />
<button number="10" key="SN3" />
from xml.dom.minidom import *
from threads import threaded
import os
os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = "dummy"
class JoyStickAxis():
def __init__(self, lowKey, highKey):
self.low = lowKey
self.high = highKey
self.low_active = False
self.high_active = False
class JoyStick():
def __init__(self):
self.axis = { }
self.buttons = { }
def print_info(self):
print "Joystick mappings found : "
for axis in self.axis.keys():
print " - axis %s direction low mapped to key %s" % (axis, self.axis[axis].low)
print " - axis %s direction high mapped to key %s" % (axis, self.axis[axis].high)
for key in self.buttons:
print " - button %s mapped to key %s" % (key, self.buttons[key])
class JKeys:
def __init__(self, document):
self.joysticks = {}
for joy_node in document.getElementsByTagName("joystick"):
joy = JoyStick()
for axis_node in joy_node.getElementsByTagName("axis"):
axis = JoyStickAxis( axis_node.getAttribute("low"), axis_node.getAttribute("high"))
joy.axis[ axis_node.getAttribute("number") ] = axis
for button_node in joy_node.getElementsByTagName("button"):
joy.buttons[button_node.getAttribute("number")] = button_node.getAttribute("key")
self.joysticks[int(joy_node.getAttribute("id"))] = joy
import pygame
print "You need to install pygame to capture joystick controls"
self.nbJoy = pygame.joystick.get_count()
for i in range(self.nbJoy):
if self.nbJoy == 0:
print "Sorry no joysticks found!!"
elif self.nbJoy != len(self.joysticks):
print "%d joysticks configured, only %d joysticks found" % (len(self.joysticks), self.nbJoy)
self.debug = False
def run(self):
if self.nbJoy != 0:
import pygame
pygame.time.set_timer(1, 100)
capture_events = [pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN, pygame.JOYAXISMOTION, pygame.JOYBUTTONUP, pygame.JOYHATMOTION]
# clear out all pre existing pygame events else we get 1 of each
def key_press( key ):
command = "mpg321 /home/pi/mp3/Axxe-" + key + ".mp3 &"
def key_release( key ):
print "released key %s" % (key)
while True:
ev = pygame.event.wait()
if ev.type in capture_events:
joy = self.joysticks[ ]
if ev.type == pygame.JOYHATMOTION:
res = gethatcode(ev)
if self.debug: print "UNHANDLED JOY HAT code: ", res
elif ev.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
button = str(ev.button)
if joy.buttons.has_key(button):
key_code = joy.buttons[button]
if self.debug: print "Button down : " + key_code
key_press( key_code )
elif ev.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP:
button = str(ev.button)
if joy.buttons.has_key(button):
key_code = joy.buttons[button]
if self.debug: print "Button up : " + key_code
key_release( key_code )
elif ev.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION:
axis_number = str(ev.axis)
if joy.axis.has_key(axis_number):
axis = joy.axis[axis_number]
if ev.value < 0:
if self.debug: print "Button down : " + axis.low
key_press( axis.low )
axis.low_active = True
elif ev.value > 0:
if self.debug: print "Button down : " + axis.high
key_press( axis.high )
axis.high_active = True
if axis.low_active:
if self.debug: print "Button up : " + axis.low
key_release( axis.low )
axis.low_active = False
if axis.high_active:
if self.debug: print "Button up : " + axis.high
key_release( axis.high )
axis.high_active = False
return res
def __del__(self):
import pygame
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import subprocess
from xml.dom.minidom import *
from time import sleep
# get the config file
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
conf = sys.argv[1]
# read config from xml doc
f = open(conf, "r")
xml =
document = parseString(xml)
# Start joystick keys
from joystick import JKeys
j = JKeys(document)
j.debug = True
while True:
print "usage: jkeys joystick.conf"
import threading
import time
def threaded(f):
def wrapper(*args):
t = threading.Thread(target=f, args=args)
t.setDaemon(True) # wont keep app alive
return wrapper
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