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Created November 26, 2019 13:30
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Resize images
set -eu
error() {
local msg="$1"
echo $msg >&2
exit 1
abspath() {
local path="$1"
# Check path is not empty
[ -z "$path" ] && error "Path is empty"
# Check path exist's
[ -e "$path" ] || error "Path doesn't exit: $path"
# Check path is a directory
[ -d "$path" ] || error "Path is not a directory: $path"
cd "$path"
pwd -P
resize() {
local file="$1" size="$2" path="$3"
mogrify \
-path "$path" \
-filter Triangle \
-define filter:support=2 \
-thumbnail "$size" \
-unsharp 0.25x0.08+8.3+0.045 \
-dither None \
-posterize 136 \
-quality 82 \
-define jpeg:fancy-upsampling=off \
-define png:compression-filter=5 \
-define png:compression-level=9 \
-define png:compression-strategy=1 \
-define png:exclude-chunk=all \
-interlace none \
-colorspace sRGB \
SRC_PATH=$(abspath "${1:-}")
DST_PATH=$(abspath "${2:-}")
# Check binaries
which magick &>/dev/null || error "You need to install ImageMagick"
which mogrify &>/dev/null || error "You need to install ImageMagick"
# Check source and destionation is not the same
[ "$SRC_PATH" != "$DST_PATH" ] || error "Source and dest. path can't be the same"
# Check we set max size or use default
[ -z "$MAX_SIZE" ] && MAX_SIZE="1000"
# Find all the images
for file in $(find "$SRC_PATH" -type f -name *.jpg); do
# Create the destination directory
dir=$(dirname $file)
mkdir -p $dst_dir
# Get the size in pixels
size=$(magick identify -format "%w:%h" "$file")
# Check if this is already correct size
# or if it's portrait or landscape
if [ "$width" -lt "$MAX_SIZE" -a "$height" -lt "$MAX_SIZE" ]; then
echo "SKIP: $file ($width x $height)"
cp -f "$file" "$dst_dir"
elif [ "$width" -gt "$height" ]; then
echo "$file ($width x $height portrait)"
resize "$file" "$MAX_SIZE" "$dst_dir"
echo "$file ($width x $height landscape)"
resize "$file" "x$MAX_SIZE" "$dst_dir"
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If you want to modify it to always resize just modify the following.

    # Check if this is already correct size
    # or if it's portrait or landscape
#    if [ "$width" -lt "$MAX_SIZE" -a "$height" -lt "$MAX_SIZE" ]; then
#        echo "SKIP: $file ($width x $height)"
#        cp -f "$file" "$dst_dir"
    if [ "$width" -gt "$height" ]; then
        echo "$file ($width x $height portrait)"
        resize "$file" "$MAX_SIZE" "$dst_dir"
        echo "$file ($width x $height landscape)"
        resize "$file" "x$MAX_SIZE" "$dst_dir"

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haxcop commented May 18, 2020

Thanks for the detailed reply.

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