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Created December 27, 2017 04:38
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Optimizing matrix multiple example, step 1: get the types consistent and the operators as specific as possible.
> (import (my-matrix))
> (sanity)
> (run-bench)
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2472 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2474 msec
(library (my-matrix (1))
(export run-bench sanity)
(import (chezscheme))
;;; reference:
;;; make-matrix creates a matrix (a vector of vectors).
(define make-matrix
(lambda (rows columns)
(do ((m (make-vector rows))
(i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
((fx= i rows) m)
(vector-set! m i (make-vector columns 0.0)))))
;;; matrix? checks to see if its argument is a matrix.
;;; It isn't foolproof, but it's generally good enough.
(define matrix?
(lambda (x)
(and (vector? x)
(fx> (vector-length x) 0)
(vector? (vector-ref x 0)))))
;; matrix-rows returns the number of rows in a matrix.
(define matrix-rows
(lambda (x)
(vector-length x)))
;; matrix-columns returns the number of columns in a matrix.
(define matrix-columns
(lambda (x)
(vector-length (vector-ref x 0))))
;;; matrix-ref returns the jth element of the ith row.
(define matrix-ref
(lambda (m i j)
(vector-ref (vector-ref m i) j)))
;;; matrix-set! changes the jth element of the ith row.
(define matrix-set!
(lambda (m i j x)
(vector-set! (vector-ref m i) j x)))
;;; mul is the generic matrix/scalar multiplication procedure
(define mul
(lambda (x y)
;; mat-sca-mul multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
(define mat-sca-mul
(lambda (m x)
(let* ((nr (matrix-rows m))
(nc (matrix-columns m))
(r (make-matrix nr nc)))
(do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
((fx= i nr) r)
(do ((j 0 (fx+ j 1)))
((fx= j nc))
(matrix-set! r i j
(fl* x (matrix-ref m i j))))))))
;; mat-mat-mul multiplies one matrix by another, after verifying
;; that the first matrix has as many columns as the second
;; matrix has rows.
(define mat-mat-mul
(lambda (m1 m2)
(let* ((nr1 (matrix-rows m1))
(nr2 (matrix-rows m2))
(nc2 (matrix-columns m2))
(r (make-matrix nr1 nc2))
(tot 0.0))
(if (not (fx= (matrix-columns m1) nr2))
(match-error m1 m2))
(do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
((fx= i nr1) r)
(do ((k 0 (fx+ k 1)))
((fx= k nr2))
(let ((ith-input-row (vector-ref m1 i))
(kth-input-row (vector-ref m2 k))
(ith-output-row (vector-ref r i)))
(do ((j 0 (fx+ j 1)))
((fx= j nc2))
(set! tot (vector-ref ith-output-row j))
(set! tot (fl+ tot
(fl* (vector-ref ith-input-row k)
(vector-ref kth-input-row j))))
(vector-set! ith-output-row j tot))))))))
;; type-error is called to complain when mul receives an invalid
;; type of argument.
(define type-error
(lambda (what)
(error 'mul
"~s is not a number or matrix"
;; match-error is called to complain when mul receives a pair of
;; incompatible arguments.
(define match-error
(lambda (what1 what2)
(error 'mul
"~s and ~s are incompatible operands"
;; body of mul; dispatch based on input types
((flonum? x)
((flonum? y) (fl* x y))
((matrix? y) (mat-sca-mul y x))
(else (type-error y))))
((number? x)
((number? y) (* x y))
((matrix? y) (mat-sca-mul y x))
(else (type-error y))))
((matrix? x)
((number? y) (mat-sca-mul x y))
((matrix? y) (mat-mat-mul x y))
(else (type-error y))))
(else (type-error x)))))
(define (fill-random m)
(let* ((nr (matrix-rows m))
(nc (matrix-columns m)))
(do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
((fx= i nr))
(do ((j 0 (fx+ j 1)))
((fx= j nc))
(matrix-set! m i j (fl/ (inexact (random 100)) (fl+ 2.0 (inexact (random 100)))))
(define (bench a b) (mul a b))
(define (run-bench)
(do ((runs 0 (fx+ 1 runs))) ((fx>= runs 10))
(do ((sz 500 (fx+ sz 100)))
((fx>= sz 600))
(let* ((a (make-matrix sz sz))
(b (make-matrix sz sz)))
(fill-random a)
(fill-random b)
((t0 (real-time))
(blah (mul a b))
(t1 (real-time)))
(format #t "~s x ~s matrix multiply in Chez took ~s msec~%" sz sz (- t1 t0))
(define (fill-sequential m start)
(let* ((nr (matrix-rows m))
(nc (matrix-columns m))
(val start))
(do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
((fx= i nr))
(do ((j 0 (fx+ j 1)))
((fx= j nc))
(matrix-set! m i j val)
(set! val (fx+ 1 val))
(define (matrix-same m1 m2)
(let* (
(nr1 (matrix-rows m1))
(nr2 (matrix-rows m2))
(nc1 (matrix-columns m1))
(nc2 (matrix-columns m2))
(final #t)
(if (not (eq? nc1 nc2))
(set! final #f)
(if (not (eq? nr1 nr2))
(set! final #f)
(do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1)))
((fx= i nr1))
(do ((j 0 (fx+ j 1)))
((fx= j nc1))
((v1 (matrix-ref m1 i j))
(v2 (matrix-ref m2 i j))
(if (not (eq? v1 v2))
(set! final #f))
;; sanity test, is our logic right?
;; expect that #(#(1 2) #(3 4)) x #(#(5 6) #(7 8)) == #(#(19 22) #(43 50))
(define (sanity)
(let* (
(expect (make-matrix 2 2))
(a (make-matrix 2 2))
(b (make-matrix 2 2))
(matrix-set! expect 0 0 19)
(matrix-set! expect 0 1 22)
(matrix-set! expect 1 0 43)
(matrix-set! expect 1 1 50)
(fill-sequential a 1)
(fill-sequential b 5)
(let* (
(obs (mul a b))
;; verify this gives us true
(matrix-same obs expect)
chez scheme timings, on mac book pro:
(with (optimize-level 3); as we go ~ 10% faster)
scheme --optimize-level 3 ./
Chez Scheme Version 9.5.1
Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;; top-level bindings, without a library wrapper:
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2606 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2605 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2571 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2634 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2597 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2603 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2565 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2535 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2587 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2547 msec
;; inside the my-matrix library:
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2435 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2498 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2486 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2496 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2465 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2499 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2492 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2532 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2463 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2526 msec
;; update! shifting to (fl*) instead of (*) shaved
;; off 17%
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2075 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2040 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2054 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2059 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2066 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2048 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2053 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2112 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2064 msec
500 x 500 matrix multiply in Chez took 2060 msec
) ;; end my-matrix library
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