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AppleScript to connect bluetooth headphones and show its battery level
activate application "SystemUIServer"
set deviceName to "Pavels's BeatsX"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "SystemUIServer"
set bluetoothMenu to (menu bar item 1 of menu bar 1 whose description contains "bluetooth")
tell bluetoothMenu
set deviceMenuItem to (menu item deviceName of menu 1)
tell deviceMenuItem
if exists menu item "Connect" of menu 1 then
click menu item "Connect" of menu 1
return "Connecting..."
set batteryLevelMenuItem to (menu item 3 of menu 1)
tell batteryLevelMenuItem
set batteryLevelText to title of batteryLevelMenuItem
end tell
key code 53 -- esc key
return batteryLevelText
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
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