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Last active October 12, 2018 12:37
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Watson Speech-to-Text create custom language model when Watson just doesn't hear you right. Designed specifically for Unity when using STT, TTS, and Assistant (STT and TTS have some naming conflicts)
//I recommend running this only once so you only create one customizationID.
//It takes some time for each step to get to a ready state, so I recommend doing this outside of your game if possible and just referencing the customizationID after training.
//Be sure to use your customizationID when calling Active (SDK example) when you set your other STT params.
private IEnumerator CreateGameBoardModel(){
Debug.Log("Inside CreateGameBoardModel");
//Create customization
_speechToText.CreateCustomization(HandleCreateCustomization, OnFail, "unity-game-board", "en-US_BroadbandModel", "Adding game board domain items");
while (!_createCustomizationsAdded)
yield return null;
_createdCustomizationID = "<YOUR CUSTOMIZATION ID GOES HERE>";
// Wait for customization
_isCustomizationReady = false;
while (!_isCustomizationReady)
yield return null;
// Add custom words from object
IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.SpeechToText.v1.Words words = new IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.SpeechToText.v1.Words();
IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.SpeechToText.v1.Word w0 = new IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.SpeechToText.v1.Word();
List<IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.SpeechToText.v1.Word> wordList = new List<IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.SpeechToText.v1.Word>();
w0.word = "B4";
w0.sounds_like = new string[1];
w0.sounds_like[0] = "be for";
w0.display_as = "B4";
IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.SpeechToText.v1.Word w1 = new IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.SpeechToText.v1.Word();
w1.word = "C4";
w1.sounds_like = new string[1];
w1.sounds_like[0] = "see for";
w1.display_as = "C4";
words.words = wordList.ToArray();
Debug.Log("Added words? " + wordList.ToArray().ToString());
Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to add custom words in customization {0} using Words object", _createdCustomizationID);
_speechToText.AddCustomWords(HandleAddCustomWordsFromObject, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, words);
while (!_addCustomWordsFromObject)
yield return null;
Debug.Log("Words added");
//// Wait for customization
_isCustomizationReady = false;
while (!_isCustomizationReady)
yield return null;
// Train customization
Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to train customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID);
_speechToText.TrainCustomization(HandleTrainCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID);
while (!_trainCustomization)
yield return null;
Debug.Log("Training complete");
//// Wait for customization
_isCustomizationReady = false;
while (!_isCustomizationReady)
yield return null;
private IEnumerator CheckCustomizationStatus(string customizationID, float delay = 0.1f)
Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.CheckCustomizationStatus()", "Checking customization status in {0} seconds...", delay.ToString());
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);
// passing customizationID in custom data
Dictionary<string, object> customData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
customData["customizationID"] = customizationID;
_speechToText.GetCustomization(OnCheckCustomizationStatus, OnFail, customizationID, customData);
private void OnCheckCustomizationStatus(Customization customization, Dictionary<string, object> customData)
if (customization != null)
Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.OnCheckCustomizationStatus()", "Customization status: {0}", customization.status);
if (customization.status != "ready" && customization.status != "available")
Runnable.Run(CheckCustomizationStatus(customData["customizationID"].ToString(), 5f));
_isCustomizationReady = true;
Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.OnCheckCustomizationStatus()", "Check customization status failed!");
//Make sure to reference your custom model by calling it in the Active method (based on the example in the Watson SDK For Unity)
// public bool Active
// {
// get { return _speechToText.IsListening; }
// set
// {
// if (value && !_speechToText.IsListening)
// {
// _speechToText.CustomizationId = <YOUR_CUSTOMIZATION_ID_HERE>;
// _speechToText.DetectSilence = true;
// _speechToText.EnableWordConfidence = false;
// _speechToText.EnableTimestamps = false;
// _speechToText.SilenceThreshold = 0.03f;
// _speechToText.MaxAlternatives = 1;
// _speechToText.EnableInterimResults = true;
// _speechToText.OnError = OnError;
// _speechToText.StartListening(OnRecognize);
// }
// else if (!value && _speechToText.IsListening)
// {
// _speechToText.StopListening();
// }
// }
// }
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