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Karen/あけみ akemin-dayo

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akemin-dayo /
Last active April 20, 2023 16:23
My own personal documentation for running legacy versions of Windows (notably Vista) under modern versions of VMware.

Audio issues (stuttering, crackling)

Comment out this line from your VMX file: sound.virtualDev = "hdaudio"

If you don't want to do that, change the audio format settings in Windows to "24 bit, 44100 Hz (Studio Quality)" or higher, which greatly improves (※ but does not completely fix) the issue.

See this for more info:

Windows Vista SP2

akemin-dayo / virtualapple-utm-link
Last active April 24, 2024 18:34
A cleaned up version of an internal script that I've been using while working on TotalFinder to create VirtualApple virtual machine instances that are hardlinked to a UTM virtual machine instance. It's particularly useful for entering One True recoveryOS (1TR) as well as using the other features found only in VirtualApple.
akemin-dayo / gfnpaste-linux
Last active January 2, 2023 03:18
An extremely simple tool for Linux (macOS version also available) that simply simulates typing out the contents of your clipboard into apps that do not support clipboard sharing, like NVIDIA GeForce NOW.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# gfnpaste-linux
# Karen/あけみ (akemin_dayo)
# This is an extremely simple tool for Linux (macOS version also available) that simply simulates typing out the contents of your clipboard into apps that do not support clipboard sharing, like NVIDIA GeForce NOW.
# Such apps include:
# * NVIDIA GeForce NOW - No clipboard sharing support.
# * Parsec — Clipboard sharing is only enabled when connecting to your own machine, and is disabled when connecting to someone else's.
akemin-dayo / gfnpaste-macos
Last active February 21, 2023 23:49
An extremely simple tool for macOS (Linux version also available) that simply simulates typing out the contents of your clipboard into apps that do not support clipboard sharing, like NVIDIA GeForce NOW.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# gfnpaste-macos
# Karen/あけみ (akemin_dayo)
# This is an extremely simple tool for macOS (Linux version also available) that simply simulates typing out the contents of your clipboard into apps that do not support clipboard sharing, like NVIDIA GeForce NOW.
# Such apps include:
# * NVIDIA GeForce NOW ( - No clipboard sharing support.
# * Parsec ( — Clipboard sharing is only enabled when connecting to your own machine, and is disabled when connecting to someone else's.
akemin-dayo / MegaDriveMemoryAccessErrorExceptionTester.asm
Last active May 17, 2022 10:28
Extremely barebones Mega Drive application that causes a 68000 memory address error exception and… does literally nothing else. (Yes, I wrote this solely just to help reproduce an emulator crash.)
; Mega Drive Memory Access Error Exception Tester
; Karen/あけみ (akemin_dayo)
; Extremely barebones Mega Drive application that causes a 68000 memory address error exception and… does literally nothing else.
; (Yes, I wrote this solely just to help reproduce an emulator crash.)
; Build instructions:
; asm68k /p MegaDriveMemoryAccessErrorExceptionTester.asm,
akemin-dayo /
Created November 29, 2021 09:44
When `kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice` is used in a DriverKit system extension (dext), the seized device fails to be hidden from `IOHIDManager` functions such as `IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatchingMultiple`.


This is a modified, Markdown rich text version of my Radar bug report writeup to Apple (FB9785807).

I will not be posting or conveying any of Apple's responses, as I want to err on the side of caution and do not want to run the risk of accidentally posting what may be considered confidential information.

Thank you for your understanding.

akemin-dayo /
Last active December 8, 2024 13:37
A WIP patch that declares QEMU thread(s) as high-performance to the macOS QoS scheduler. Apply this patch using `git am 0001-util-qemu-thread-posix.c-Declare-QEMU-thread-s-as-hi.patch`.

This is a WIP patch that declares QEMU thread(s) as high-performance to the macOS QoS scheduler.

Apply this patch using git am 0001-util-qemu-thread-posix.c-Declare-QEMU-thread-s-as-hi.patch.

This is most useful on Apple Silicon (arm64) machines, as this pins QEMU to the faster performance cores instead of the slower efficiency cores on those systems (which use a heterogeneous core architecture).

This may possibly also result in better performance on x86_64 macOS machines, as well.

TODO: Determine if there is a better place to put this function call, as this would effectively declare every QEMU thread as high-performance, which may not be desired behaviour if QEMU spawns threads for purposes other than guest OS emulation (which I am not certain about).

akemin-dayo /
Last active February 10, 2025 00:28
A guide to building and using the audio-enabled "Screamer" fork of PowerPC QEMU on macOS and Windows

A guide to building and using the audio-enabled "Screamer" fork of PowerPC QEMU on macOS and Windows

Karen/あけみ (Twitter, Homepage)

Last updated: 2021/10/09 (QEMU-screamer version 6.1.50)

Here's a quickly-written guide describing how to build and use mcayland's excellent "Screamer" fork of QEMU which adds working audio support to QEMU for PowerPC guests!

Yes, this means working audio in PowerPC versions of OS X, Mac OS 9, and even Linux!

This guide isn't… quite up to my quality standards yet, but I figured I'd release it in this state regardless for anyone that might benefit from it, especially since I had to figure out quite a bit of this myself due to some of the existing documentation being somewhat outdated or incorrect.

akemin-dayo / Parsec issues and
Last active May 31, 2024 08:53
Since Parsec unfortunately seems to lack any sort of externally-available issue tracker, I've decided to just put them all in a GitHub Gist and just link it in the Parsec Discord ;P

Since Parsec unfortunately seems to lack any sort of externally-available issue tracker, I've decided to just put them all in a GitHub Gist and just link it in the Parsec Discord ;P


① Parsec fails to correctly switch to relative mouse movement when running games that use the LWJGL 2.x library (such as Minecraft <= 1.12.2)

When attempting to run any game that uses the LWJGL 2.x library (the most popular example being Minecraft 1.12.2 and below), Parsec will fail to detect that relative mouse movement is required, and incorrectly attempts to use absolute mouse movement which results in broken mouselook functionality.

This is what causes the "rapidly spinning camera" behaviour that some users may report.