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akesterson / gist:6ff8049df90c1ae5ea223efc64381f82
Created May 23, 2023 15:41
script for automatically managing SSH Agent and keys
function start_sshagent()
ssh-agent > ~/.sshagent
. ~/.sshagent
function check_sshagent() {
ps -p $SSH_AGENT_PID > /dev/null
akesterson / gist:ff7bcfe925b9621e47e5
Created April 23, 2015 06:05
Convert Keeper CSV exports to Lastpass CSV import
This isn't 100%, but it will get you most of the way there (assumes bash 4+):
echo 'url,type,username,password,hostname,extra,name,grouping' ; \
cat KEEPER_BACKUP_FILE | sed -e s/' '/'|'/g -e s/','//g | (\
while read LINE; do \
IFS='|' read -r -a fields <<< "$LINE"; \
type="server"; \
if [[ "${fields[4]}" == "" ]]; then \
type=''; \
akesterson / gist:5eb9b223db4cfa3d22d4
Created January 25, 2015 02:26
8086 bootloader / kernel "load from disk and jump to kernel" problem
##### First we build from scratch ...
akesterson@akesterson-pc:~/source/upstream/git/akesterson/piquant$ make clean all
rm -f boot.bin asm/*o src/*o
bcc -ansi -3 -c -o src/kernel.o src/kernel.c
ld86 -T0x1000 -M -o kernel.bin src/kernel.o
kernel _printString 0 0000101b R
kernel _main 0 00001049 R
kernel _printChar 0 00001000 R
Using flask-sqlalchemy 2.0 with sqlalchemy 0.9.6, and cx_Oracle 5.1.3.
The sqlalchemy engine works 100% for the other bind I'm using (a MySQL database). But I'm only using ORM on the Oracle bind.
When declaring a ORM class like this (names are redacted):
class ORMObject(db.Model):
__bind_key__ = 'bind_name'
__table_args__ = {'schema': 'SPACE'}
__tablename__ = 'TABLE_NAME'
>>> def wat():
... raise Exception("ARGH")
... yield 0
... yield 1
... yield 2
>>> wat()
<generator object wat at 0x2e62500>
if [ ... ]; then
do some shit
if [ ... ]; then
do more shit
akesterson / gist:11391984
Created April 29, 2014 06:22
Why I switched from bamboo to jenkins
TL;DR - It was proving to be more buildsystem than I needed,
and I had found that there were other buildsystems that met my needs
that I felt were lighter and more nimble. It's still a fine product
that I continue to recommend to this day, I just no longer see it as
"The One True Way".
1: Bamboo was consuming a significant amount of system resources,
akesterson / gist:9556321
Created March 14, 2014 20:38
Per-user mock build chroot
# Add this code to your /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg file, and then
# all of your mock builds will take place in ${HOME}/.mockbuild/CONFIG.
# This will allow many users to build the same package config (-r)
# at any given time; so john, tom, dick and harry can build epel-5-noarch
# at the same time, and john can build epel-5-noarch, epel-6-x86_64,
# and fedora-13-x86_64 at the same time, because they all have their own
# build basedir.
# Note that this is very linux specific, YMMV on other platforms. do |config|
config.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--name", "", "--memory", 2048]
config.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nic2", 'bridged']
config.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--bridgeadapter2", 'eth0']
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => 'sudo networksetup -detectnewhardware'
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => 'sudo networksetup -setdhcp "Ethernet 2"'
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => 'sudo pmset sleep 0'
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => 'sudo pmset displaysleep 0'
/etc/hiera.yaml config:
- yaml
- %{fqdn}
- defaults