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Last active September 12, 2023 06:00
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Steps To Install Odoo MAC

Odoo is the most popular all-in-one business software in the world. To Install Odoo on MAC you just need to follow the below steps.

Step 1

Open terminal by pressing 'command+space' buttons and type "terminal" and then press enter

Step 2. Install xcode-select

Install xcode-select using following command:

xcode-select --install

Step 3. Open on browser

Open on browser, you will find the command below 'Install Homebrew" keyword

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

copy, paste and run it on terminal

Step 4. After installing Homebrew

After installing Homebrew, you will get two more command at the end of installation as below:

run the following 2 commands on terminal to install brew

echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/<Mac user>/.zprofile eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

Step 5. Search for the python,

you can run command 'brew search python'

Step 6. Install Python

To install python, run the following command:

brew install python@3.8

Step 7. Set Python Path

To set python path, run the following command:

echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.8/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

Step 8. Grab the Odoo source code

Grab the Odoo source code, go to Odoo github on browser

install git by following command:

brew install git

go in Odoo repository for community edition Select the version you want You can see green button 'Code', click on it to find the link in order to clone the Odoo code

git clone --depth1 cd odoo

to navigate to Odoo Source code

Get Free Installation Support

Step 9. Check requirements.txt File

there is requirement.txt file in Odoo directory, To have a look where you can find the library version to be installed and the different packages

Step 10. Install pip3

install pip3 and To check the pip3 version run the following command:

brew install pip3 pip3 --version

Step 11. Run following command :

pip3 install setuptools wheel

Step 12. Install PostgreSQL

To install PostgreSQL run below command

brew install postgresql

Step 13. Install openssl

Now, install openssl using below command:

brew install openssl

Step 14. Fix error of psycopg2

To fix the error of psycopg2 we will run binary version of the psycopg2, run following command:

pip3 install psycopg2-binary --no-cache-dir

Step 15. Run the command again

pip3 install -r requirement.txt

Step 17. Error with pillow for dependency issue

brew install jpeg

Step 18 Install jpeg-turbo

brew install jpeg--turbo

Step 19. lets back to the requirement.txt

pip3 install requirement.txt

Step 20. Let's start Odoo service now.

To start the service of the Odoo run the following command:

brew services restart postgresql

Step 21. Create users

To create a user, login with posgres, run

psql postgres

Step 22. Create PostgreSQL user

You can create postgres user from the posgres terminal:

create user <username>

Step 23. Create Database

Create database using below command:

createdb db15

Step 24. Quit

\q for exit

Step 25. Execute Odoo

python3 odoo-bin -d db15 -i base

Step 26. Setup Parameter

You will find your Odoo service has been started. If you find error for 'current limit exceeds maximum limit'

python3 odoo-bin -d db15 --limit-memory-hard 0

Step 27. Reinitialize Odoo

To reinitialize the database run the below command

python3 odoo-bin -d db15 -i base --limit-memory-hard 0

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