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akheron /
Created October 19, 2012 11:20
Connect to Amazon EC2 instances
# Look up the public IP address of an Amazon EC2 instance via
# the Amazon API, and connect to it using ssh.
# Defaults
akheron /
Last active June 30, 2021 10:26
SMTP server pytest fixture
# The SMTP server runs in a separate thread and stores sent messages in a list
# Usage:
# def test_fn(smtpd):
# host =
# port = smtpd.port
# # Run code that send email using an smtp server at host:port
akheron /
Created March 2, 2011 11:28
Use emacsclient for editing remote files by setting this script as EDITOR in the remote machine
# Use this script as your EDITOR to allow editing remote files with emacsclient.
# Works by connecting to the Emacs machine with SSH and using a suitable tramp prefix.
# How to reach this machine from the one that's running Emacs
# How to reach the machine that's running Emacs from this machine
akheron / gist:766049
Created January 5, 2011 08:13
Sample proxy.pac to be used with SSH tunnels
// -*- js2 -*-
// Works at least in Chrome. To setup the SOCKS proxy, use the -D option:
// ssh -D 5001 user@tunnel_endpoint_host
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if(dnsDomainIs(host, "")) {
return "SOCKS localhost:5001;";
akheron / .gitconfig
Last active December 29, 2019 06:48
My dotfiles: .gitconfig, .mailcap, .screenrc, .toprc, .tmux.conf
st = status --short --branch
dc = diff --cached -M -B -C
typo = commit --amend
fixup = commit --amend --no-edit
logk = log --graph --pretty=\"format:%C(yellow)%h%C(red)%d%Creset %s %C(green)%an, %ar%Creset\"
ffpull = pull --ff-only
ffmerge = merge --ff-only
ri = "!f() { rev=$(git rev-parse $1 2>/dev/null) || rev=HEAD~$1; git rebase -i $rev; }; f"
rc = rebase --continue
akheron / PG.js
Created November 5, 2018 12:36
purescript-postgresql-client library monad
exports.getSQLState = function (error) {
return error.code || ''
exports.getError = function (errorType) {
return function (error) {
return {
errorType: errorType,
severity: error.severity || '',
code: error.code || '',
akheron / config
Created May 2, 2012 10:50
git config for detached worktree
# Create the repository with "git init --bare", then edit config to match this:
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
worktree = /path/to/worktree
denycurrentbranch = ignore
akheron /
Last active July 30, 2017 05:56
elm-make benchmark

The test

Clone rtfeldman/elm-spa-example. Download all deps: elm-package install --yes.

Then time the builds running these commands:

rm -rf elm-stuff/build-artifacts
akheron /
Created May 26, 2017 10:51
i3 workspace/output helpers
usage() {
echo "usage: OUTPUT"
echo ""
echo "Print the names of workspaces on the given output"
echo ""
exit 2
akheron /
Created November 11, 2010 09:07
Test script for CouchDB bulk insertions with different docid selection schemes
from datetime import datetime
# See
from inoi.util.random import sequential_id, monotonic_id
import httplib2
import json
import random
import time
import sys