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Created May 6, 2021 10:10
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from mainAPI.models import Organization, OrganizationMember, User, Asset, Bug, CWE, CVE, Package, Mobile, Web, Code, Port, Cloud, Endpoint, Network, AssetHealth, Team, Permissions
import numpy as np
import random
import pandas as pd
import os
class Dummy:
def __init__(self):
def create_organization(self):
# Avoid creating duplicate organization
if not Organization.objects.filter(name="Acme Org").exists():
organization = Organization.objects.create(
name="Cipla Private Limited", industry="Education")
print("created new organization")
organization = Organization.objects.filter(
name="Acme pentest company").last()
return organization
def add_member_organization(self):
# create user and assign role and Security team
organization = self.create_organization()
owner = User.objects.create_superuser(email="", password='a', first_name="Kalpesh",
last_name="shah", is_active=True)
manager = User.objects.create(
email="", password='a', first_name="Ravi ", last_name="Kiran")
dev1 = User.objects.create(
email="", password='a', first_name="Akash", last_name="dev")
dev2 = User.objects.create(
email="", password='a', first_name="Manoj", last_name="prada")
owner = OrganizationMember.objects.create(
user=owner, organization=organization, role=1)
manger = OrganizationMember.objects.create(
user=manager, organization=organization, role=2)
dev_1 = OrganizationMember.objects.create(
user=dev1, organization=organization, role=2)
dev_2 = OrganizationMember.objects.create(
user=dev2, organization=organization, role=2)
# add security team
team = Team.objects.create(name="Acme Pentest Company")
team.organization = organization
user_ = User.objects.filter(email="")
if user_:
perm = Permissions.objects.create(team=team, role=2)
org_members = OrganizationMember.objects.create(
user=user_[0], organization=organization, role=3)
return True
def create_bulk_assets(self):
# create bulk asset
count = 100
organization = self.create_organization()
asset1 = Asset(name="Acme Website", type=1,
exposed=1, organization=organization)
asset2 = Asset(name="Acme Mobile", type=2, organization=organization)
asset3 = Asset(name="Acme internal", type=3,
target="", organization=organization)
asset4 = Asset(name="Acme Portal", type=1, organization=organization)
asset5 = Asset(name="Acme IOS", type=2, organization=organization)
asset6 = Asset(name="Acme US Internal", type=3,
target="", organization=organization)
asset7 = Asset(name="Acme Blog", type=1, exposed=1,
asset8 = Asset(name="Acme Hybrid", type=2,
exposed=2, organization=organization)
asset9 = Asset(name="", type=3,
target="", organization=organization)
asset10 = Asset(name="Acme IOT Dark", type=1,
asset11 = Asset(name="Acme cloud", type=4,
exposed=1, organization=organization)
asset12 = Asset(name="Acme Website", type=5, organization=organization)
asset13 = Asset(name="", type=3,
target="", organization=organization)
asset14 = Asset(name="Acme external", type=5,
asset15 = Asset(name="Acme cloudbox", type=4,
asset_list = [asset1, asset2, asset3, asset4, asset5, asset6, asset7, asset8, asset9,
asset10, asset11, asset12, asset13, asset14, asset14, asset15]
asset_random_obj_list = []
for i in range(0, count):
random_asset = random.choice(asset_list)
a = Asset.objects.bulk_create(asset_random_obj_list)
print("Bulk asset created succesfully!!")
return True
def create_bulk_bugs(self):
count = 100
bug_list = []
organization = self.create_organization()
bug_title_list, desc_list = self._bug_static_data()
user_ids = OrganizationMember.objects.filter(
organization=organization, role=2).values_list('user__id', flat=True)
asset_ids = Asset.objects.filter(organization=organization).values_list(
'id', flat=True) # Filter and get organization level assets
affected_endpoints = ["", ""]
bug_level = None
content_type_obj = None
for asset in Asset.objects.filter(organization=organization):
if asset.type == 1:
web = Web.objects.create(
request="web bug", response="response generated")
for url in affected_endpoints:
endpoint = Endpoint.objects.filter(url=url)
if endpoint.exists():
content_type_obj = web
bug_level = 2
if asset.type == 2:
mobile = Mobile()
content_type_obj = mobile
bug_level = 3
if asset.type == 3:
port_num = random.randrange(1000, 8080)
port_obj = Port.objects.filter(
port=port_num, organization=asset.organization, asset=asset)
port = port_obj.first()
if not port_obj.exists():
port = Port.objects.create(organization=asset.organization, asset=asset,
network, _ = Network.objects.get_or_create(port=port, cpe=[])
content_type_obj = network
bug_level = 4
if asset.type == 4:
cloud = Cloud.objects.create(region="us-east-2", aws_type=0, vulnerable_id="SS1",
content_type_obj = cloud
bug_level = 5
if asset.type == 5:
code = Code.objects.create(vulnerable_code="23627-12123", start_line_number=23,
end_line_number=23, file_name="test.docx")
package = Package.objects.create(fixed_version="v2.0.1",
installed_version="v2.0.2", package_name="beta v2", affected_versions="v2.0.1")
if code:
content_type_obj = code
bug_level = 1
if package:
content_type_obj = package
bug_level = 6
# create count number of bugs
for i in range(0, count):
bug = Bug(title=random.choice(bug_title_list),
bug_level=bug_level if bug_level else random.choice(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
[0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8, 9, 9.5]),
[i for i in range(3, 100)]),
severity=random.choice([1, 2, 5]),
state=random.choice([0, 1]),
if len(bug_list) > 0:
print("Bugs created succesfully!!")
return True
def _web_level_dummy_data(self):
web_title_1 = "subprocess_without_shell_equals_true"
web_title_2 = "try_except_pass"
web_title_3 = "flask_debug_true"
web_title_4 = "blacklist"
web_title_5 = "Web Entry description"
desc_1 = "subprocess_without_shell_equals_true"
desc_2 = "Try, Except, Pass detected."
desc_3 = "The input method in Python 2 will read from standard input, evaluate and run the resulting string as python source code. This is similar, though in many ways worse, then using eval. On Python 2, use raw_input instead, input is safe in Python 3."
desc_4 = "Consider possible security implications associated with subprocess module"
desc_5 = "A Flask app appears to be run with debug=True, which exposes the Werkzeug debugger and allows the execution of arbitrary code."
w = [web_title_1, web_title_2, web_title_3, web_title_4, web_title_5]
d = [desc_1, desc_2, desc_3, desc_4, desc_5]
return w, d
def _network_level_dummy_data(self):
net_title_1 = "SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted"
net_title_2 = "Web Application Potentially Vulnerable to Clickjacking"
net_title_3 = "PHP expose_php Information Disclosure"
net_title_4 = "Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol Server Man-in-the-Middle Weakness"
net_title_5 = "Network Time Protocol (NTP) Mode 6 Scanner"
desc_1 = "The SSL certificate for this service is for a different host.```"\
"The identities known by Nessus are :"\
"The Common Name in the certificate is :"\
desc_2 = "The remote web server may fail to mitigate a class of web application vulnerabilities.```"\
"The following pages do not use a clickjacking mitigation response header and contain a clickable event :"\
desc_3 = "The configuration of PHP on the remote host allows disclosure of sensitive information.```"\
"Nessus was able to verify the issue using the following URL :"\
desc_4 = "It may be possible to get access to the remote host"
desc_5 = "The remote NTP server responds to mode 6 queries.```"\
"Nessus elicited the following response from the remote"\
"host by sending an NTP mode 6 query :"\
"'version=""ntpd 4.2.8p4@1.3265-o Fri Jul 6 20:10:51 UTC 2018 (1),"\
"processor=""x86_64"", system=""Linux/4.4.0-131-generic"", leap=0, stratum=4,"\
"precision=-23, rootdelay=167.351, rootdisp=67.037, refid=,"\
"reftime=0xe1542dc4.0d8c77de, clock=0xe1543210.451ea07f, peer=35085,"\
"tc=10, mintc=3, offset=0.749459, frequency=5.208, sys_jitter=0.000000,"\
"clk_jitter=0.198, clk_wander=0.037'```"
w = [net_title_1, net_title_2, net_title_3, net_title_4, net_title_5]
d = [desc_1, desc_2, desc_3, desc_4, desc_5]
return w, d
def _bug_static_data(self):
title_1 = "Using cElementTree to parse untrusted XML data is known to be vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace " \
"cElementTree with the equivalent defusedxml packag "
title_2 = "Probable insecure usage of temp file/directory."
title_3 = "subprocess call - check for execution of untrusted input."
title_4 = "XSS defender"
title_5 = "Relative Path Traversal"
title_6 = "Path Traversal"
title_7 = "Doubled Character XSS Manipulations"
title_8 = "Compiler Removal of Code to Clear Buffers"
title_9 = "Xender"
title_10 = "XSS Manipulations"
desc_3 = "Bug path traversal import Xtree"
w_title, w_desc = self._web_level_dummy_data()
n_title, n_desc = self._network_level_dummy_data()
bug_title_list = [title_1, title_2, title_3, title_4, title_5,
title_6, title_7, title_8, title_9, title_10, w_title, n_title]
desc_list = [desc_3, w_desc, n_desc]
return bug_title_list, desc_list
def get_asset_health(self):
# Get date range of 3 month w.r.t current month
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from calendar import monthrange
total_days = 0
# calculate last date, start date of last 2 month
end =
start_day_of_current_month = end - \
previous_month_last_date = start_day_of_current_month - \
days = monthrange(int(previous_month_last_date.strftime("%y")), int(
last_previous_month_last_date = previous_month_last_date - \
previous_last_month_days = monthrange(int(last_previous_month_last_date.strftime(
"%y")), int(last_previous_month_last_date.strftime("%m")))[1]
total_days = days + previous_last_month_days
start = start_day_of_current_month - timedelta(days=total_days)
organization = self.create_organization()
times = np.array(pd.date_range(start=start, end=end))
assets_list = Asset.objects.filter(
organization=organization).values_list('id', flat=True)
for date in times:
health = AssetHealth.objects.create(organization=organization,
risk_score=random.choice([i for i in range(1, 100)]))
health.created = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
date.tolist() / 1e9)
return True
print("done it!!")
if os.getenv('DEPLOYMENT_MODE', 'enterprise') == 'SAAS':
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