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Created August 21, 2019 10:40
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import Alamofire
private let kArrayElementKey = "arrayElementKey"
extension Array {
func asParameter() -> Parameters {
return [kArrayElementKey: self]
/// Convert the parameters into a json array, and it is added as the request body.
/// The array must be sent as parameters using its `asParameters` method.
public struct ArrayEncoding: ParameterEncoding {
/// The options for writing the parameters as JSON data.
public let options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions
/// Creates a new instance of the encoding using the given options
/// - parameter options: The options used to encode the json. Default is `[]`
/// - returns: The new instance
public init(options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions = []) {
self.options = options
public func encode(_ urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible, with parameters: Parameters?) throws -> URLRequest {
var urlRequest = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()
guard let parameters = parameters, let array = parameters[kArrayElementKey] else {
return urlRequest
do {
let data = try array, options: options)
if urlRequest.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") == nil {
urlRequest.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
urlRequest.httpBody = data
} catch {
throw AFError.parameterEncodingFailed(reason: AFError.ParameterEncodingFailureReason.jsonEncodingFailed(error: error))
return urlRequest
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