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Created August 21, 2017 23:21
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Following codes are an example of processing marker tracker topic from FingerVision.
I just copied them from my system, which might be incomplete, but you could find the idea of the calculation.
The main function to process the marker tracker topic is BlobMoves.
(see `def BlobMoves(t,l,msg,side)`)
t: Interface of core tools (ROS connection, robot controller, etc.); you can replace t by adequate functions.
l: A container object. The simplest implementation is like:
class Container(): pass
l= Container()
#now you can add any members by 1.2 [1,2,3]
BlobMoves stores the computed data in l so that you can access to them with l.
You can replace l by a dictionary or a list.
msg: Topic from the marker tracker.
side: We assume that two FingerVision sensors are attached on a parallel gripper. side is a flag to select one of them.
side should be RIGHT or LEFT, RIGHT=0, LEFT=1
Subscribe a topic from FingerVision with the callback using BlobMoves.
Set up l:
l= TContainer()
l.seq= [[],[]]
l.force= [None,None]
l.recording= False
Right finger:
Topic: '/visual_skin_node_ay1/blob_moves_usbcam2fay12_r'
Type: lfd_vision.msg.BlobMoves
Callback: lambda msg,l=l:BlobMoves(t,l,msg,RIGHT)
Left finger:
Topic: '/visual_skin_node_ay1/blob_moves_usbcam2fay12_l'
Type: lfd_vision.msg.BlobMoves
Callback: lambda msg,l=l:BlobMoves(t,l,msg,LEFT)
- VizForce is a visualization code for RViz (just comment out VizForce(...) in BlobMoves).
- np = numpy
#Similar to a median of a position pos but
#return one of median(pos) and median(1-pos)
#that has a bigger absolute value.
def XMedian(array,pos=0.75):
if len(array)==0: return None
a_sorted= copy.deepcopy(array)
a1= a_sorted[int(len(a_sorted)*pos)]
a2= a_sorted[int(len(a_sorted)*(1.0-pos))]
return a1 if abs(a1)>abs(a2) else a2
def VizForce(t,force,side):
viz= t.viz.finger_force
x_w= t.robot.FK(x_ext=[0.0,(-0.05,0.05)[side],0.07, 0,0,0,1],arm=RIGHT)
x_e= t.robot.FK(x_ext=t.GetAttr('wrist_r','lx'),arm=RIGHT)
def VizVector(t,vec,width,col,mid):
x_f= Vec([0.0]*7)
x_f[:3]= x_w[:3]
ex= Vec(vec)
f_norm= Norm(ex)
if f_norm<1.0e-6:
viz.AddArrow(x_f, scale=[0.0,0.0,0.0], mid=mid)
ex= ex/f_norm
ey= GetOrthogonalAxisOf(ex, preferable=([0.0,1.0,0.0]), fault=[1.0,0.0,0.0])
ez= np.cross(ex, ey)
x_f[3:]= RotToQ(ExyzToRot(ex,ey,ez))
viz.AddArrow(x_f, scale=[0.02*f_norm,width,width], rgb=col, alpha=0.7, mid=mid)
def BlobMoves(t,l,msg,side):
filter_len= 20
cx= msg.width/2
cy= msg.height/2
div= (msg.width+msg.height)/2
def convert(mv):
fscale= [1.0,1.0,2.5]
tscale= 2.0
rxy= ((mv.Pox-cx)/div, (mv.Poy-cy)/div)
fxy= (mv.DPx, mv.DPy)
fz= max(0.0,mv.DS)
if side==RIGHT:
f= [+(fxy[0]*fscale[0]), -(fz*fscale[2]), -(fxy[1]*fscale[1])]
r= [+rxy[0], 0.0, -rxy[1]]
elif side==LEFT:
f= [-(fxy[0]*fscale[0]), +(fz*fscale[2]), -(fxy[1]*fscale[1])]
r= [-rxy[0], 0.0, -rxy[1]]
tau= np.cross(r,f)*tscale
return f+tau.tolist()
force_array= [convert(mv) for mv in]
#print force_array
if len(l.seq[side])>filter_len: l.seq[side].pop()
force= [XMedian([force[d] for force in force_array],0.8) for d in xrange(6)]
l.force[side]= force
#print force
def serialize(data):
return ' '.join((ToStr((mv.Pox,mv.Poy,mv.So,mv.DPx,mv.DPy,mv.DS)) for mv in
if l.recording:
l.fp_avr[side].write('{time} {force}\n'.format(
l.fp_all[side].write('{time} {width} {height} {data}\n'.format(
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