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Created April 8, 2011 14:07
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// as straight forward as possible
def solve1 = {
val digits = 0 to 9
def num(ds: Int*) = ds.foldLeft(0){10 * _ + _}
for {
// send
s <- digits diff Seq(0)
e <- digits diff Seq(s)
n <- digits diff Seq(s, e)
d <- digits diff Seq(s, e, n)
// more
m <- digits diff Seq(0, s, e, n, d)
o <- digits diff Seq(s, e, n, d, m)
r <- digits diff Seq(s, e, n, d, m, o)
// money
y <- digits diff Seq(s, e, n, d, m, o, r)
// conform to verbal?
send = num(s, e, n, d)
more = num(m, o, r, e)
money = num(m, o, n, e, y)
if (send + more == money)
} yield (send, more, money)
// prune brunches
def solve2 = {
val digits = 0 to 9
def num(ds: Int*) = ds.foldLeft(0){10 * _ + _}
for {
// one's digits
d <- digits diff Seq()
e <- digits diff Seq(d)
y <- digits diff Seq(d, e)
if ((num(d) + num(e)) % 10 == num(y))
// ten's digits
n <- digits diff Seq(d, e, y)
r <- digits diff Seq(d, e, y, n)
if ((num(n, d) + num(r, e)) % 100 == num(e, y))
// hundred's digits
o <- digits diff Seq(d, e, y, n, r)
if ((num(e, n, d) + num(o, r, e)) % 1000 == num(n, e, y))
// thousand's digits
s <- digits diff Seq(0, d, e, y, n, r, o)
m <- digits diff Seq(0, d, e, y, n, r, o, s)
send = num(s, e, n, d)
more = num(m, o, r, e)
money = num(m, o, n, e, y)
if (send + more == money)
} yield (send, more, money)
// generic solver
def solve3(bottom: String, parts: String*) = {
val digits = 0 to 9
val all = bottom +: parts
val nonZeroChars ={_.head}.toSet
val maxDigit ={_.size}.max
val rall = all map {_.reverse}
val pow10 = Array.iterate(1, maxDigit)(_ * 10)
def checkDigit(d: Int, dict: Map[Char, Int]): List[(Seq[Int], Int)] = {
def verbalToNumeric(verbal: String) =
verbal.takeRight(d).foldLeft(0){10 * _ + dict(_)}
val numBottom = verbalToNumeric(all.head)
val numParts =
if (d == maxDigit) List((numParts, numBottom)) filter {case (p, b) => p.sum == b}
else if (numBottom != numParts.sum % pow10(d)) List()
else {
val alphas = rall flatMap {_.lift(d)} filterNot dict.isDefinedAt distinct
val ret = for {
cmb <- (digits diff dict.values.toSeq).combinations(alphas.size)
prm <- cmb.permutations
newPairs = alphas zip prm
if newPairs forall {case (alp, num) => num != 0 || !nonZeroChars(alp)}
} yield (checkDigit(d + 1, dict ++ newPairs))
checkDigit(0, Map.empty[Char, Int])
// performance tuning
def solve4(bottom: String, parts: String*) = {
val digits = 0 to 9
val maxDigit ={_.size}.max max bottom.size
val all = (bottom +: parts) map {_.reverse}
val cnsTbl = Array.fill[Int](maxDigit)(0)
def collectSorted = {
val m = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Char, Int]
var from = 0
for (d <- 0 until maxDigit) {
for (s <- all; c <- s lift d)
if (!m.isDefinedAt(c)) {
m(c) = from
from += 1
cnsTbl(d) = from
val charToIndices = collectSorted
val nBottom = bottom map charToIndices toArray
val nParts = parts map {_ map charToIndices toArray} toArray
val nonZeroIndices ={_.head}.toSet + nBottom.head
val ansTbl = Array.fill[Int](charToIndices.size)(-1)
def checkDigit(d: Int): List[(Seq[Int], Int)] = {
def toNum(indices: Array[Int]) =
indices.takeRight(d).foldLeft(0){_ * 10 + ansTbl(_)}
val nbottom = toNum(nBottom)
val nparts = nParts map toNum
(d, nbottom - nparts.sum) match {
case (`maxDigit`, 0) => List((nparts, nbottom))
case (`maxDigit`, _) => List()
case (_, diff) if diff % math.pow(10, d).toInt != 0 => List()
case (_, _) => {
val ofs = cnsTbl lift d - 1 getOrElse 0
val undet = digits diff (0 until ofs map ansTbl)
val ndet = cnsTbl(d) - ofs
val ret = for {
cmb <- undet.combinations(ndet)
prm <- cmb.permutations
idxzero = prm.indexOf(0)
if idxzero == -1 || !nonZeroIndices(ofs + idxzero)
} yield {
0 until ndet foreach {i => ansTbl(i + ofs) = prm(i)}
checkDigit(d + 1)
// performance tuning ver.2
def solve5(bottom: String, parts: String*) = {
val digits = 0 to 9
val maxDigit ={_.size}.max max bottom.size
val all = (bottom +: parts) map {_.reverse}
val cnsTbl = Array.fill[Int](maxDigit)(0)
def collectSorted = {
val m = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Char, Int]
var from = 0
for (d <- 0 until maxDigit) {
for (s <- all; c <- s lift d)
if (!m.isDefinedAt(c)) {
m(c) = from
from += 1
cnsTbl(d) = from
val charToIndices = collectSorted
val nBottom = bottom map charToIndices toArray
val nParts = parts map {_ map charToIndices toArray} toArray
val nonZeroIndices ={_.head}.toSet + nBottom.head
val ansTbl = Array.fill[Int](charToIndices.size)(-1)
def checkDigit(d: Int): List[(Seq[Int], Int)] = {
def toNum(indices: Array[Int]) =
indices.takeRight(d).foldLeft(0){_ * 10 + ansTbl(_)}
val nbottom = toNum(nBottom)
val nparts = nParts map toNum
def myPerm(xs: Seq[Int], nrem: Int): Seq[List[Int]] =
if (nrem == 0) Seq(Nil)
else for(x <- xs; ys <- myPerm(xs filter {_ != x}, nrem - 1)) yield x :: ys
def myPerm2(xs: Seq[Int], nrem: Int): Seq[List[Int]] = {
def rec(xs: Seq[Int], nrem: Int, cur: List[Int]): Seq[List[Int]] =
if (nrem == 0) List(cur)
else xs flatMap{x => rec(xs filter {_ != x}, nrem - 1, x :: cur)}
rec(xs, nrem, Nil)
(d, nbottom - nparts.sum) match {
case (`maxDigit`, 0) => List((nparts, nbottom))
case (`maxDigit`, _) => List()
case (_, diff) if diff % math.pow(10, d).toInt != 0 => List()
case (_, _) => {
val ofs = cnsTbl lift d - 1 getOrElse 0
val undet = digits diff (0 until ofs map ansTbl)
val ndet = cnsTbl(d) - ofs
val ret = for {
// cmb <- undet.combinations(ndet)
// prm <- cmb.permutations
prm <- myPerm2(undet.view, ndet)
idxzero = prm.indexOf(0)
if idxzero == -1 || !nonZeroIndices(ofs + idxzero)
} yield {
0 until ndet foreach {i => ansTbl(i + ofs) = prm(i)}
checkDigit(d + 1)
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